This Repository will contain the source code for Tello which is the name of the drone I am going to use for educational purposes. I am working with Python and a few lirbraries to suit the Tello Drone and operate it correctly. I am also learning a little bit more of Python in the process to improve under a short time frame. I am currently using Visual Studio Code as my code editor and I want to mention that the tutorial video I have linked uses Pycharm, which is great too, but I am much more comfortable with Vscode. Plus the installations are not that different too. So I would say, go with what you are comfortable with because these just are tools. I can just get this done faster with vscode
- djitellopy
- pygame
- cv2
The version of Python used is 3.7.6
Install normally if you use pip
pip install djitellopy
pip install pygame
pip install cv2
For those who use Python3, use pip3
pip3 install djitellopy
pip3 install pygame
pip3 install cv2
When making your files
from djitellopy import tello
import pygame
import cv2
- time
- keyPressModule
from time import sleep
import keyPressModule as kpm
import manuveur
from getBattery import baReminder