Supporting material for paper: d2912r0: Concurrent queues and sender/receivers
Experimental implementation of concurrent buffer queue with adding sender/receiver based async_pop / async_push to Using reference implementation of sender/receiver from
Inspired by
- A proposal to add a concurrent queue to the standard library
- C++ Concurrent Buffer Queue
- An Event Model for C++ Executors
enum class conqueue_errc { success, empty, full, closed };
class conqueue_error : public system_error { ... };
template <typename T, typename Alloc = std::allocator<T>> class buffer_queue {
using value_type = T;
explicit buffer_queue(size_t max_elems, Alloc alloc = Alloc());
~buffer_queue() noexcept;
// observers
bool is_closed() noexcept;
size_t capacity() const noexcept;
// modifiers
void close() noexcept;
T pop();
std::optional<T> pop(std::error_code& ec);
std::optional<T> try_pop(std::error_code& ec);
void push(const T& x);
bool push(const T& x, error_code& ec); // used to be wait_push
bool try_push(const T& x, error_code& ec);
void push(T&& x);
bool push(T&& x, error_code& ec); // used to be wait_push
bool try_push(T&& x, error_code& ec);
// async modifiers
push_sender async_push(const T& x) noexcept(is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<T>);
push_sender async_push(T&& x) noexcept(is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>);
pop_sender async_pop() noexcept;