Command line interface and API for imap accounts. It provide the following actions through a minimal python library:
- Get imap account status (New mails, mail counting… etc…)
- Get list of mails in INBOX (or any other directory)
- Search through mail
- Read mail
- Flag mail (Read, Unread, Delete, etc…)
- Copy, Move and Delete mail
- Authenticate using SASL
You can read about my initial motivation to write this software here.
A presentation of Imap-CLI is available here
$ imapcli search INBOX -a Caroline
8465: Caroline Chemin <[email protected]> atelier dégustation, école du thé
9108: Caroline Chemin <[email protected]> nouveau salon de thé
$ imapcli read 8465
From : Caroline Chemin <[email protected]>
Subject : atelier dégustation, école du thé
Date : Mon, 12 Feb 2018 17:47:19 +0100
ça t'intéresserais ?
Install imap-cli with the following command :
pip install imap-cli
Then, configure imap-cli creating a configuration file in ~/.config/imap-cli
containing :
hostname =
username = username
password = secret
ssl = True
Alternatively, for authentication via a SASL mechanism such as XOAUTH2:
hostname =
username = username
sasl_auth = XOAUTH2
bearer_access_token = abcde12345
ssl = True
If you want to add a minimal autocompletion, you can copy in the file /etc/bash_completion.d/imapcli or simply source.
If you want to benefit from the wrapper script described below, copy the script imapcli
in your PATH
Pull imap-cli image:
docker pull gentux/imap-cli
As the first quickstart
section, you'll need to configure imap-cli.
alias imap-cli="docker run -v ${HOME}/.config/imap-cli:/root/.config/imap-cli -t gentux/imap-cli imap-cli
And voilà, you can use imap-cli without installing or bothering with python.
Usage: imapcli [options] <command> [<command_options>...]
Available commands are:
status List unseen, recent and total number of mail per directory in IMAP account
list List mail within a specified directory
search Search for mail
read Display Header and Body of specified mail(s)
flag Set or unset flag on specified mail(s)
-h, --help Show help options
--version Print program version
See 'imapcli help <command>' to get further information about specified command"
imap-cli 0.7
Copyright (C) 2014 Romain Soufflet
License MIT
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
This is work in progress, so API migth change. Python API aims to be as complete as possible to ease the creation of
API, caching system and clients. You can find example in examples
import imap_cli
from imap_cli import config
config_filename = '~/.config/imap-cli'
connect_conf = config.new_context_from_file(config_filename, section='imap')
display_conf = config.new_context_from_file(config_filename, section='display')
imap_account = imap_cli.connect(**connect_conf)
for directory_info in imap_cli.status(imap_account):
print display_conf['format_status'].format(**directory_info)
The file config-example.ini show you available parameters and their default value when they have one.
You can also find in this file some comment describing all possibilities about each parameters.
File configuration is not the only possibility. As the package imap-cli is designed to be an API, all configuration data are shared in a context object. You can load this context progamatically if you want.
Full documentation available here.
All contributions are welcome.
If your patche(s) contain new features, ensure you have written correspondig unit test. Also ensure all tests pass using tox
You can also open new issues for questions, bugs or new feature.
The actual version of Imap-CLI is 0.7.
Imap-CLI aims to map all IMAP protocols functionnality within a simple python API, and points in development are listed below
Released under the MIT License.