Releases: FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS
Changes between FreeRTOS 202212.01 and FreeRTOS 202411.00 released November 2024
+ Include 202406-LTS versions of FreeRTOS Kernel, FreeRTOS+TCP, coreMQTT, corePKCS11, coreHTTP, coreJSON, AWS IoT
Device Shadow, AWS IoT Jobs, AWS IoT Device Defender, Backoff Algorithm, AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning, coreSNTP, SigV4, and
FreeRTOS Cellular Interface libraries:
- FreeRTOS Kernel V11.1.0
- FreeRTOS+TCP V4.2.2
- coreMQTT v2.3.1
- coreHTTP v3.1.1
- corePKCS11 v3.6.2
- coreJSON v3.3.0
- AWS IoT Device Shadow v1.4.1
- AWS IoT Jobs v1.5.1
- AWS IoT Device Defender v1.4.0
- Backoff Algorithm v1.4.1
- AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning v1.2.1
- AWS IoT Core MQTT File Streams 1.1.0
- coreSNTP v1.3.1
- SigV4 v1.3.0
- FreeRTOS Cellular Interface v1.4.0
+ Include [Percepio Tracelyzer]( as a submodule.
+ Update coreMQTT Agent library to v1.3.0.
+ Update WolfSSL to version v5.6.4.
+ Update MbedTLS to version 3.5.1.
+ Update CMock to version 2.5.3.
+ Update CBMC to version 5.95.1.
+ Add support for static memory allocation in FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI. We thank @tabarnakos for their contribution.
+ Add ARMv7-R No_GIC Port Demo and ARMv7-R MPU Port Demos.
+ Add FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_IPv6_Demo Windows Simulator Demo.
+ Add FreeRTOS SMP demos which earlier existed in a separate repository FreeRTOS-SMP-Demos.
+ Add GitHub Action to run CBMC proofs on every PR.
+ Add GitHub Action to run FreeRTOS-Kernel and FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP demos on every PR.
+ Add SMP on-target tests.
+ Add TLSv1.3 Support to WinSim Demos.
+ Update documentation for FreeRTOS_PLUS_TCP_ECHO_QEMU_msp2 demo.
+ Add picolibc support to the RISC-V_RV32_QEMU_VIRT_GCC demo. We thank @Keith Packard for their contribution.
+ Update CORTEX_MPU_M33F_Simulator_Keil_GCC demo to use latest CMSIS packs. We thank @urutva for their contribution.
+ Change network interface implementation from linux to libslirp for FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Echo_Posix demo.
+ Fix configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY value for CORTEX_MPS2_QEMU_IAR_GCC demo. We thank @soares-sergio for
their contribution.
+ Fix configPRIO_BITS and configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY values for
CORTEX_MPU_M23_Nuvoton_NuMaker_PFM_M2351_IAR_GCC demo. We thank @urutva for their contribution.
+ Fix configCPU_CLOCK_HZ for RISC-V-Qemu-virt_GCC demo. We thank @wly3155 for their contribution.
+ Fix warnings and missing debug info in RISC-V_RV32_QEMU_VIRT_GCC demo. We thank @e14002270 for their contribution.
+ Fix CMock pointer comparison policy. We thank @Moral-Hao for their contribution.
+ Disable configCHECK_HANDLER_INSTALLATION for XMC1000 demo as XMC1000 has a ROM-based vector table and therefore,
does install OS handlers directly. We thank @jefftenney for their contribution.
+ Remove portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT from the RISC-V_RV32_QEMU_VIRT_GCC demo as it is no longer needed. We thank
@tony2037 for their contribution.
+ Fix build warnings and runtime issues in msp430_GCC demo. We thank @Forty-Bot for their contribution.
+ Remove not needed variable from FreeRTOS+CLI demo. We thank @dougwfoster for their contribution.
+ Fix TickType_t width for Visual Studio demos. We thank @watsk for their contribution.
+ Fix compiler errors for WIN32-MingW demo. We thank @watsk for their contribution.
+ Cleanups in QEMU and POSIX simulator demos. We thank @laroche for their contribution.
+ Fix AbortDelay Tests in release build. We thank @NikJen26 for their contribution.
Contains source code and example projects for the FreeRTOS Kernel and FreeRTOS+ libraries.
Changes between FreeRTOS 202212.00 and FreeRTOS 202212.01 released March 2023
+ Fix FreeRTOS-Plus demos to use the configured IP addresses in absence of a DHCP server or while using static IP configuration.
Changes between FreeRTOS 202112.00 and FreeRTOS 202212.00 released December 2022
+ Released LTS 2.0 versions of FreeRTOS Kernel, FreeRTOS+TCP, coreMQTT, corePKCS11,
coreHTTP, coreJSON, AWS IoT Over-the-air-Updates (OTA), AWS IoT Device Shadow, AWS IoT Jobs,
AWS IoT Device Defender, Backoff Algorithm, AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning, coreSNTP,
SigV4, and FreeRTOS Cellular Interface libraries
- FreeRTOS Kernel V10.5.1
- FreeRTOS+TCP V3.1.0
- coreMQTT v2.1.1
- corePKCS11 v3.5.0
- coreJSON v3.2.0
- AWS IoT Over-the-air (OTA) Update v3.4.0
- AWS IoT Device Shadow v1.3.0
- AWS IoT Jobs v1.3.0
- AWS IoT Device Defender v1.3.0
- Backoff Algorithm v1.3.0
- AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning v1.1.0
- coreSNTP v1.2.0
- SigV4 v1.2.0
- FreeRTOS Cellular Interface v1.3.0
+ Updated coreMQTT Agent library to v1.2.0 to be compatible with coreMQTT v2.X.X.
+ Demo Updates
- Added Visual Studio static library projects for FreeRTOS Kernel, FreeRTOS+TCP,
Logging, MbedTLS, coreHTTP, and corePKCS11 in FreeRTOS-Plus/VisualStudio_StaticProjects.
- All demos dependent on coreMQTT have been updated to be compatible with coreMQTT v2.X.X.
- All Windows Simulator projects have been updated to use new static Visual Studio projects.
+ Updated MbedTLS version to 3.2.1.
Contains source code and example projects for the FreeRTOS Kernel and FreeRTOS+ libraries.
Contains source code and example projects for the FreeRTOS Kernel and FreeRTOS+ libraries.
Contains source code and example projects for the FreeRTOS Kernel and FreeRTOS+ libraries.
Contains source code and example projects for the FreeRTOS Kernel and FreeRTOS+ libraries.
Contains source code and example projects for the FreeRTOS Kernel and FreeRTOS+ libraries.
Contains source code and example projects for the FreeRTOS Kernel and FreeRTOS+ libraries.
Update version number to V10.4.1 (#281)