First of all, im not responsible of any device damage, you are accepting a licence when you install the Tool and you are using this at your own risk!
MotoTool for Motorola Moto Devices (Beckham, Doha, Lake, River, Evert, Sanders, Potter, Lima, Ocean, Sofiar, Hannan, Ahannan) - (All variants)
Moto Flash and download firmwares (Beckham, Doha, Sanders, Potter, Sofiar, Hannan, Ahannan) - (All variants)
if you want a new device or add new firmwares, request it and i'll add it, if not ill drop the device from MotoTool!
- "XT1684_POTTER_RETEU_SS_8.1.0_OPS28.85-17-6-2_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC"
- "XT1685_POTTER_RETEU_DS_8.1.0_OPS28.85-17-6-2_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC"
- Or weird channels
* Contact
- You must have NetFramework 4+ installed on your PC * Net Framework
- Windows 8+ 64 Bits
- Start the "MotoTool_v2."
- The installer will create a desktop shortcut and in Windows app will create a folder with the tool inside.
- When the installer ends, will ask you if you want to isntall MotoDrivers. Please if you don´t have MotoDrivers installed or you don´t know, dont uncheck the option and let the installer do it
- The installation will create a "MotoTool" shortcut on desktop
- When you launch the Tool on the first time this will:
-- First at all, if MotoTool opens like this: is because im working on internal files
-- unpack on "C:\MotoTool\
-- launch a batch file like this
**You must accept this, because will remove unnecesary Moto Device Manager to save storage! If you don´t accept this, when you start again the Tool on next launch, will be asking you again! so i recommend you to accept it!**
-- create neccesary folders
-- generate a settings for the Tool. Be careful with this, if you clear the folders, you will lost, TWRP, Firmware, and the Tool settings with logs!
You must have to be enable usb debugging on your device so the Tool can work!, and IMPORTANT have Bootloader unlocked to use the options like Boot TWRP or flash any Firmware!
Then you can use any option, remember if you want to download any file, this will check internet connection, if it´s null the tool will reset and restart the Tool!
If you want to boot TWRP, this will be downloaded (when download finish, click again the option!) and flashed, but remember to put your device on Bootloader mode!
Themes, the default style it´s light, so the Tool on the first start will be by default light, if you want to change it go to "Settings and Theme Tool"
New OTA´s! now you can update the Tool!
Firmware option, here Tool will load a tone of firmwares of your device, you can select your device channel. This will download the firmware, dont go back to main Tool screen, because download will be stopped, and firmware deleted. When firmware download finish, this will be extracted into a folder and ready to be flashable! remember to go to MotoFlash option, boot your device into bootloader mode and plug it!, Tool will do everything for you!
**If you see this screen, please wait, i'm working with your device firmwares**
If your device its A/B like doha, evert... etc. now you can use the flash twrp otpion and download TWRP-INSTALLER, then if you want to flash it, go to boot twrp option, plug your device, and in new option "Move files to TWRP" you can drag installer and drop it, this will copy the installer into your device internal storage
If you have any problem with your internet connection when you are downloading a file or file download wrong, this will be downloaded again!
If you see this screen, be patient, im on a free server, sometimes goes down :(
**All Tool actions will be saved in C:\MotoTool.settings\Logs. If you have any problem you can send me all logs!**
- You can uninstall it now from the MotoTool, but ensure that all files were removed on "C:\Program Files\MotoTool" (I noticed that Tool won't be removed)
- Go to Control Panel and look for the MotoTool, select it and uninstall it! This won't be removed MotorolaDeviceManager_2.5.4!
Download MotoTool v2. - Beta (23-06-2020) from here * MotoTool
Changelog * Changelog
- Now you can send me a report from the Tool! and request a new device or a new firmware update!