An RFC2822 implementation in Elixir, built for composability.
Mail is built and maintained by DockYard, contact us for expert Elixir and Phoenix consulting.
def deps do
# Get from hex
{:mail, "~> 0.2"},
# Or use the latest from master
{:mail, github: "DockYard/elixir-mail"}
You can quickly build an RFC2822 spec compliant message.
message =
|> Mail.put_text("A great message")
|> Mail.put_to("[email protected]")
|> Mail.put_from("[email protected]")
|> Mail.put_subject("Open me")
message =
|> Mail.put_text("Hello there!")
|> Mail.put_html("<h1>Hello there!</h1>")
|> Mail.put_attachment("path/to/")
|> Mail.put_attachment({"", file_data})
After you have built your message you can render it:
rendered_message = Mail.Renderers.RFC2822.render(message)
If you'd like to parse an already rendered message back into a data model:
There are more functions described in the docs
We are very thankful for the many contributors
This library follows Semantic Versioning
At DockYard we are ready to help you build your next Elixir project. We have a unique expertise in Elixir and Phoenix development that is unmatched. Get in touch!
At DockYard we love Elixir! You can read our Elixir blog posts or come visit us at The Boston Elixir Meetup that we organize.
Please do! We are always looking to improve this library. Please see our Contribution Guidelines on how to properly submit issues and pull requests.
DockYard, Inc. © 2015