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A version of the Spotify car thing made to run on ESP32 with a TFT display.
One webpage for every book ever published!
Open-source Next.js adapter for AWS
A Rest API for fetching lyrics from Spotify which is powered by Musixmatch. Commandline version is available at akashrchandran/syrics.
📻 a spotify dashboard that displays your top tracks and artists as well as recently played songs
🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
A collection of 24 x 24 dp SVG spinners! (CSS & SMIL)
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Play a charming, hand-drawn Rock-Paper-Scissors game against a clever AI on any device. Join, play, and contribute!
Streamline your Twitter presence: Schedule tweets effortlessly with secure authentication in a user-friendly interface. Currently deprecated due to API changes.
Operation: A simple word counter that takes whatever is in your clipboard and then returns the word count.
🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
🦀 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
AWS zero to hero repo for devops engineers to learn AWS in 30 Days. This repo includes projects, presentations, interview questions and real time examples.