This repository contains an unofficial implementation of
Graph signal processing for directed graphs based on the Hermitian Laplacian.
Furutani, S., Shibahara, T., Akiyama, M., Hato, K., & Aida, M.
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
For details, please see the original paper, or this brief explanation. A simple use case is provided in demo.ipynb
Embeddings are generated for a networkx graph through the get_embeddings
embeddings = get_embeddings(
A, # networkx graph or numpy matrix
S, # list of scales
T, # list of sampling points
q, # rotation parameter
kernel, # a kernel function. Can be a custom function or lib.heat_kernel | low_pass_filter_kernel
**kernel_args # parameters supplied to the kernel
An example using the same parameters as the authors, with an undirected and unweighted graph:
from lib import get_embeddings, low_pass_filter_kernel
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
G = nx.karate_club_graph()
# parameters used in paper
S = np.arange(2.0, 20.1, 0.1)
T = np.arange(1, 11, 1)
q = 0.02
kernel = low_pass_filter_kernel
c = 2
embeddings = get_embeddings(
See this youtube clip for a brief explanation of how GraphWave works - they use the graph Laplacian, which only works for undirected graphs and is replaced by the Hermitian Laplacian by Furutani et al.
See Wikipedia for an explanation of laplacian matrices