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Running the wallet

Jhelison Uchoa edited this page Jun 26, 2023 · 8 revisions

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About the Epic wallet

The epic wallet is quite literally your wallet. It’s where your account’s balance is stored and where you spend and receive money.

To run the epic-wallet you also need an epic server running. The wallet request transactions from the epic server. The epic server is responsible for propagating and receiving the transactions.

Instruction of how to run the epic server can be found on Running the server.


This will guide you to install the Epic wallet on each OS:


To install the epic wallet on windows follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest version of the epic wallet for windows here
  • The binary for Windows is epic-wallet-<version>
  1. Unpack the zip file to a convenient location such as C:\Program Files\Epic


The best way to install the epic wallet on Linux is by using the deb installer. Although the binaries are also available on our download page. To install the deb, you can use these steps:

  1. Download the latest version of the epic package here.
  • On Linux we can use the deb installer with name epic-wallet-<version>-linux-deb.tar.gz
  1. Go to the downloaded file and unpack the tar file and install the binary with:
tar -xf epic-wallet-<version>-linux-deb.tar.gz
cd epic
sudo dpkg -i <your-epic-wallet.deb>

Initialize the Wallet

Before you can use the Epic wallet, it must be initialized. This process will initialize your wallet’s database and create your secret master seed file. For this, we need to run the following command in the terminal:

For Linux

epic-wallet init

For Windows

epic-wallet.exe init

You will then be prompted to enter a password. This password will be used to encrypt your master seed file, and you will need to provide this password every time you want to use your wallet. The output should be something like this:

Please enter a password for your new wallet

Once this is done, your wallet seed file will be generated, and you will be given a 24 word recovery phrase which you can use to recover your wallet if you lose your seed file or forget the password. Write this phrase down using a pen and paper and keep it somewhere safe, since anyone who has this phrase can control all of your funds:

Your wallet’s configuration file is located at ~/.epic/main/epic-wallet.toml for Linux/macOS or C:/Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>/.epic/main/epic-wallet.toml for Windows. You can change the default node address, default listener ports and many more options by editing this file.

Running the wallet API

Once you have initialized the wallet, we need to execute it in listen mode to be able to make transactions. With your epic server running, to execute the epic-wallet in listen mode, run the following command in a new terminal window:

For Linux

epic-wallet -e listen

For Windows

epic-wallet.exe -e listen

You will be prompted to enter your wallet password. After you have inserted it, the wallet will start to listen for requests.

Check the wallet balance

To check the contents of your wallet, use the info command:

For Linux

epic-wallet info

For Windows

epic-wallet.exe info

You should see an output like this:

____ Wallet Summary Info - Account 'default' as of height 13833 ____

Total                            | 60.482000000
Immature Coinbase (< 1440)       | 60.030000000
Awaiting Confirmation (< 10)     | 0.452000000
Locked by previous transaction   | 1200.453000000
-------------------------------- | -------------
Currently Spendable              | 0.000000000

Command 'info' completed successfully


  • Total is your total amount, including any balance awaiting confirmation.
  • Immature Coinbase denotes any coinbase transactions (i.e. won blocks by mining) that have yet to mature before they can be spent. For a block to mature, it has to wait for a certain number of blocks to be added to the chain.
  • Awaiting Confirmation is the balance that the wallet won’t spend until a given number of confirmations (number of blocks added to the chain since the block in which the transaction was confirmed). This defaults to 10 blocks.
  • Locked by previous transaction are outputs locked by a previous send transaction, which cannot be included in further transactions. These will generally disappear (become spent) when the transaction confirms.


Initializing from a Custom Directory

You can also keep epic wallet’s data and configuration files in a custom directory. In the terminal, navigate to the directory in which you want Epic to store its files and run:

For Linux

epic-wallet init -h

For Windows

epic-wallet.exe init -h

This will create an epic-wallet.toml file in the current directory that is configured to place its data files in the same directory. The epic-wallet command will always check the current directory for a epic-wallet.toml file, and if one is found it will use it instead of ~/.epic/main/epic-wallet.toml for Linux/macOS or C:/Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>/.epic/main/epic-wallet.toml for Windows.