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One Prescription GR


One Prescription GR is a Single Page Web Application which communicates with real data from Idika's ePrescription API.
It is implemented in Greek language. The doctor can sign in on the application and create, edit, delete or view a visit
and also a prescription, among other functionality. The app is implemented with Angular 11.

You can find full manual for version 1.0.0 of this application in Greek on this file: Version 1.0.0 Manual GR.pdf.


You can find a demo of the application on YouTube here: One Prescription GR Demo.


To install the application you first need to have Node.js installed with npm. Then you need to clone this project and browse to its directory. Then you need to run:

npm install

Then you should open this file: src/environments/properties.ts:


and change REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_KEY_HERE with your API Key that Idika has provided to you. To get an API key you have to contact IDIKA's E-Prescription team. You can find their Greek phone number in this site: E-Prescription. You should call them, explain to them why you need the API key (e.g. for Development / Research purposes) and they should provide you one.

To start the application, you need to run:

node node_modules/cors-anywhere/server.js
npm start

when the application finishes compiling, you can access it on this URL:


CORS Anywhere

The project needs CORS Anywhere to communicate with e-prescriptions API.

How to use CORS Anywhere?

Example Values

You can find some example values to make a new visit and new prescription on this file: example-values.txt.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.