- Miguel Anderson (mra21)
- Riley Nisbet (rn67)
- Tim Overeem (to41)
- Daniel Rubinstein (dr148)
- Juan Philippe (jap87)
- Alex Salas (ags40)
- Derek Hill (dsh38)
- Christian Martindale (cam119)
- This project began: 03/23/2017
- This project finished: 05/07/2017
- Hour estimate: a butt load
- Miguel Anderson
- Tim Overeem
- Christian Martindale
- Daniel Rubinstein
- Alex Salas
- Riley Nisbet
- Juan Philippe
- Derek Hill
- To start: The class Main.java can be run to launch the program.
- To test: There are several sample games created and tested by the developers
- Required files: no files or programs required outside the program itself. The file format for saved games is .xml