Reproduction was created with pnpx storybook@next init --builder vite
on node
version 18 LTS
. Consecutive update via pnpx storybook@next upgrade --prerelease --skip-check
and on 2023-03-17 from this tag for this original issue onwards extended to a pnpm
mono repo workspace with issue cases.
Issue: storybookjs/storybook/issues/21399
Storybook Version: ^7.0.0-rc.4
PNPM Version: ^7.29.3
Node Version: 18 LTS
Builder: vite
Renderer: react 18
This repository mimics a typical integrated monorepo architecture where individual views or "micro front-ends" consume one or more centralized UI libraries. Build and test tooling (like storybook) live outside of that relationship to ensure weak coupling.
MonoRepo/ PNPM Workspace
├─ ...
│ Outside components
├─ tools/ are referenced via
│ └── storybook ◄──┬────┐ symlinked packages
│ │ │ in node_modules.
├─ ui/ │ │
│ ├── Component────┘ │ Storybook Issues:
│ ├── Component │
│ └── ... │ │ · TSDocs to Arg-Docs
│ │ │ · "New File" HMR
└─ views/ ▼ │ · Recursions / Broken
├── SampleView────────┘ · ...
└── ...
Clone D1no/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm
git clone [email protected]:D1no/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm.git && cd reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm.git
and install
pnpm install
For install with empty cache, run
pnpm clean-install
then for the case run the respective pnpm script...
these are defined in main.ts under
After running pnpx storybook@next init --builder vite
, official storybook features should function without any additional configuration of loaders, builders or other down stream dependencies installed by storybook.
❗️ Preview images are from Version
and NOT continuously updated to the latest version.
pnpm run storybook:case_1
Components that are inside of the storybook root folder (../stories
) will:
- For real files (
)- Render successfully in storybook
- Have JSDocs converted to story docs
- Have HMR show new stories files (while running, co-located
- For symbolic links (
)- Render successfully in storybook
- Have JSDocs converted to story docs
- Have HMR show new stories files (while running, co-located
pnpm run storybook:case_2-1
Components that are outside of the storybook root folder but referenced with a relative path (../../ui/
) will:
- Render successfully in storybook
- Have JSDocs converted to story docs
- Have HMR show new stories files (while running, co-located
pnpm run storybook:case_2-2
A single component that is outside of the storybook root folder but referenced with a relative path (../../ui/Component
) to its capitalized folder, will:
❌ ERROR: WARN 🚨 Unable to index ./../ui/Component/index.stories.tsx
tools storybook: WARN 🚨 Unable to index ./../ui/Component/index.stories.tsx:
tools storybook: WARN Error: Invalid kind '', must include alphanumeric characters
tools storybook: WARN at m (/Users/worker/development/_REPRODUCTIONS/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@storybook/csf/dist/index.js:3:3033)
tools storybook: WARN at N (/Users/worker/development/_REPRODUCTIONS/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@storybook/csf/dist/index.js:3:3126)
tools storybook: WARN at /Users/worker/development/_REPRODUCTIONS/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@storybook/csf-tools/dist/index.js:18:343
tools storybook: WARN at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
tools storybook: WARN at CsfFile.parse (/Users/worker/development/_REPRODUCTIONS/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@storybook/csf-tools/dist/index.js:18:230)
tools storybook: WARN at Object.indexer (/Users/worker/development/_REPRODUCTIONS/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@storybook/core-server/dist/presets/common-preset.js:8:2055)
tools storybook: WARN at async StoryIndexGenerator.extractStories (/Users/worker/development/_REPRODUCTIONS/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@storybook/core-server/dist/index.js:13:3554)
tools storybook: WARN at async /Users/worker/development/_REPRODUCTIONS/reproduction-storybook-symlinks-pnpm/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@storybook/core-server/dist/index.js:13:1869
tools storybook: WARN at async Promise.all (index 0)
tools storybook: WARN at async Promise.all (index 0)
- Render successfully in storybook
- Have JSDocs converted to story docs
- Have HMR show new stories files (while running, co-located
pnpm run storybook:case_3
Components that are outside of the storybook root folder but referenced via pnpm
workspaces, therefore located in ../node_modules/@repo/
as a symlink will:
❌ ERROR: importers[path] is not a function
importers[path] is not a function
TypeError: importers[path] is not a function
at StoryStore.importFn (http://localhost:6006/virtual:/@storybook/builder-vite/storybook-stories.js:6:31)
at StoryStore.loadCSFFileByStoryId (http://localhost:6006/sb-preview/runtime.mjs:40:8376)
at StoryStore.loadStory (http://localhost:6006/sb-preview/runtime.mjs:40:9563)
at async http://localhost:6006/sb-preview/runtime.mjs:74:9003
at async StoryRender.runPhase (http://localhost:6006/sb-preview/runtime.mjs:74:8764)
at async StoryRender.prepare (http://localhost:6006/sb-preview/runtime.mjs:74:8922)
at async PreviewWeb.renderSelection (http://localhost:6006/sb-preview/runtime.mjs:94:3120)
- Render successfully in storybook
- Have JSDocs converted to story docs
- Have HMR show new stories files (while running, co-located
) - Detects symlink recursion or provides easy way to exclude them
pnpm run storybook:case_4
# or
pnpm run storybook
Components that are outside of the storybook root folder but referenced via pnpm
workspaces, ingested via a negative glob to avoid recursion as ../node_modules/@repo/**!(node_modules)/**!(node_modules)/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)
- Render successfully in storybook
- Have JSDocs converted to story docs
- Have HMR show new stories files (while running, co-located
) - Detects symlink recursion or provides easy way to exclude them
Via pnpx sb@next info
on 2023-03-18
Environment Info:
OS: macOS 13.2.1
CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Max
Node: 18.14.1 - ~/.nvs/default/bin/node
npm: 9.3.1 - ~/.nvs/default/bin/npm
Chrome: 111.0.5563.64
Firefox: 97.0.1
Safari: 16.3
@storybook/addon-essentials: ^7.0.0-rc.4 => 7.0.0-rc.4
@storybook/addon-interactions: ^7.0.0-rc.4 => 7.0.0-rc.4
@storybook/addon-links: ^7.0.0-rc.4 => 7.0.0-rc.4
@storybook/blocks: ^7.0.0-rc.4 => 7.0.0-rc.4
@storybook/react: ^7.0.0-rc.4 => 7.0.0-rc.4
@storybook/react-vite: ^7.0.0-rc.4 => 7.0.0-rc.4
@storybook/testing-library: ^0.0.14-next.1 => 0.0.14-next.1