This week's task was to create a simple chatbot using Javascript. This is my Knock Knock Machine.
I started off by trying to take in all the information about Javascript given by our teachers in videos and other material while taking notes before starting on the project. I was stuck on the part where I was trying to make the chatbot make the next reply for a long time and asked both my peers for help and googled a lot. I think the stress of feeling that I didn't understand anything in the beginning made me overlook some important pointers for the task. I decided to rewatch the videos and read through the instructions carefully and then it got a bit easier. It was really difficult in the beginning to understand what specific errors I'd made and how the functions and event listeners worked.
If I had more time I would definitely add more jokes, make the chatbot send a message if the input field is left empty (I actually made that work, but after I finally made chatbot move on to the next statement, that piece of code was making problems so I had to remove it), and put more time on the styling.