December 2nd 2017
Organizer: Federica B. Bianco @fedhere
Facilitators and Mentors: Brandon Reilly, Mohit Sharma
Brittney O'Neil
Mohit Sharma
Denis Kryashchev
Dublin changes through LIDAR
data provided by Prof. D. Laefer, CUSP
Hack team: @CUSPhack/guinness
Deliverables: automation of change detection and model to identify green areas by growth in LIDAR data
Data: LIDAR data for Dublin for 2007 and 2015
Skills: data manipulation, some image processing, willingness to learn new software packages (for reading lidar data)
Flooding NYC
proposed by Dr. Greg Dobler
Hack team: @CUSPhack/dem_ocratic
Deliverables: Unbiassed predictor of flooding based on 311 reports and elevation data
Data: 311 data - NYC digital elevation model LIDAR data in NYC
Skills: data aggregation, geospatial data handling, geospatial statistics
SoNYC telemetry data
proposed by Mohit Sharma
Hack team: @CUSPhack/thebestteam
Deliverables: exploration of spatial and temporal correlation of down times of soNYC sensors, real time status map, timelaps map
Data: SoNYC telemetry location and time series data provided by Mohit
Skills: geospatial stats, timeseries analysis
Sexual assault sentiment analysis
pitched by Ben Steeler @bensteeler
Hack team: @CUSPhack/metoo
Deliverables: visualization of sentiment from tweets, generation of a relevant word dictionary for further modeling
Data: tweets (current and historical), news sources
Skills: NLP, web scraping (to collect historical tweets), API
Modern day slavery exploration
pitched by Jon Kastelan @jkastelan
Hack team: @CUSPhack/osprey
Deliverables: map of modern day slavery, correlation analysis
Data: Modern day slavery data (identified by Jon Kastelan), country indicators (public data), historical events that required construction efforts from news sources
Skills: stats, geospatial visualizations
9AM (915) Pitches
945 group self assamble
10-12 hack
12-1230 pizza (while hacking)
1230-4 hack
4-5 prepare presentation
5-7 presentations
7-8 socialize and CLEAN UP!
make sure
- Data is available and identified
- Deliverable is clear
- Skills needed are stated
Work collaboratively and iteratively, set reasonable goals, spend enough time on the presentation
Presentations and notes must be uploaded on github before you present github organization:
Absolutely no working during the presentations: listen to the presentations your peers give!