Composer friendly version of the Bing Ads SDK for PHP. API Version 10. This contains the PHP classes for version 9 of the Bing Ads web services. Classes for the request/response messages, data objects, and value set that each service defines in its WSDL are contained in this repository.
Version 2 separates all classes into their own file. For the unmodified version of the SDK use branch 1.x
Version 3 uses the API version 10
##Library Information
- Bing Ads API Version 10
- Library Update 12/15/2015
- Library Home Page
php composer.phar require cpcstrategy/bing-ads-sdk-php:~3.0
See the PHP Examples for Bing Ads
###Original source code
###Getting Started With the Bing Ads API
###Server Side OAuth Authentication in PHP
###Bing Client Id and Client Secret These credentials are available after an application is created for the account:
###Bing Developer Key It can be obtain at this URL
##Release Notes Information about updates to the Bing Ads API see the release notes.