- An instance with a minimum of 8 cores and 8 GB of RAM and Ubuntu/Debian operating system
- docker-compose v1.29.2
- kind
- kubectl
- rust
- upx
WARNING: We do not recommend to expose the deployment to the internet
Download deployment repository:
git clone
cd bondifuzz-in-kind
Download repositories of the services:
# Services
git clone build/services/api-gateway
git clone build/services/scheduler
git clone build/services/starter
git clone build/services/crash-analyzer
git clone build/services/pool-manager
git clone build/sandbox_binaries/monitor
git clone build/sandbox_binaries/runner
git clone build/agents/libfuzzer-agent
git clone build/agents/afl-agent
git clone build/sandbox/default-images
git clone build/ui/bondi-python
Compile sandbox binaries:
RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+crt-static' cargo build \
--manifest-path=build/sandbox_binaries/monitor/Cargo.toml \
--release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
upx build/sandbox_binaries/monitor/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/monitor \
-9 -o build/sandbox_binaries/monitor/monitor
RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+crt-static' cargo build \
--manifest-path=build/sandbox_binaries/runner/Cargo.toml \
--release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
upx build/sandbox_binaries/runner/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/runner \
-9 -o build/sandbox_binaries/runner/runner
Create kind cluster:
kind create cluster --config kind.yaml
cat ~/.kube/config | sed "s/server:.*/server: https:\/\/bondifuzz-control-plane:6443/g" > ./bondifuzz/services/starter/kube_config.yaml
Create necessary objects:
# Sandbox binaries, config, agent logging settings
kubectl create configmap runner-binary --from-file=build/sandbox_binaries/runner/runner
kubectl create configmap monitor-binary --from-file=build/sandbox_binaries/monitor/monitor
kubectl create configmap monitor-config --from-file=bondifuzz/sandbox_binaries/monitor/config.json
kubectl create configmap agent-logging-settings --from-file=bondifuzz/agent/logging.yaml
# Permissions for agent
kubectl create serviceaccount bondifuzz-agent
kubectl create role bondifuzz-agent --verb="get" --resource="pods,pods/log,pods/exec"
kubectl create rolebinding bondifuzz-agent --role=bondifuzz-agent --serviceaccount=default:bondifuzz-agent
Deploy private container registry
docker-compose -p bondifuzz up -d registry
Push agent images:
# Build LibFuzzer agent
docker build -t bondifuzz/agents/libfuzzer build/agents/libfuzzer-agent
docker tag bondifuzz/agents/libfuzzer localhost:5000/agents/libfuzzer
docker push localhost:5000/agents/libfuzzer
docker tag bondifuzz/agents/libfuzzer localhost:5000/agents/jazzer
docker push localhost:5000/agents/jazzer
docker tag bondifuzz/agents/libfuzzer localhost:5000/agents/atheris
docker push localhost:5000/agents/atheris
docker tag bondifuzz/agents/libfuzzer localhost:5000/agents/cargo-fuzz
docker push localhost:5000/agents/cargo-fuzz
docker tag bondifuzz/agents/libfuzzer localhost:5000/agents/go-fuzz-libfuzzer
docker push localhost:5000/agents/go-fuzz-libfuzzer
# Build AFL agent
docker build -t bondifuzz/agents/afl build/agents/afl-agent
docker tag bondifuzz/agents/afl localhost:5000/agents/afl
docker push localhost:5000/agents/afl
docker tag bondifuzz/agents/afl localhost:5000/agents/
docker push localhost:5000/agents/
Prepare default user images (sandbox images):
# Default user image: Ubuntu 18.04
docker build \
-f build/sandbox/default-images/ubuntu_18.04.dockerfile \
-t bondifuzz/sandbox/ubuntu-18.04 \
docker tag bondifuzz/sandbox/ubuntu-18.04 localhost:5000/sandbox/ubuntu-18.04
docker push localhost:5000/sandbox/ubuntu-18.04
# Default user image: Ubuntu 20.04
docker build \
-f build/sandbox/default-images/ubuntu_20.04.dockerfile \
-t bondifuzz/sandbox/ubuntu-20.04 \
docker tag bondifuzz/sandbox/ubuntu-20.04 localhost:5000/sandbox/ubuntu-20.04
docker push localhost:5000/sandbox/ubuntu-20.04
# Default user image: Ubuntu 22.04
docker build \
-f build/sandbox/default-images/ubuntu_22.04.dockerfile \
-t bondifuzz/sandbox/ubuntu-22.04 \
docker tag bondifuzz/sandbox/ubuntu-22.04 localhost:5000/sandbox/ubuntu-22.04
docker push localhost:5000/sandbox/ubuntu-22.04
Push additional images to the private registry:
docker pull busybox
docker tag busybox localhost:5000/starter-test-run
docker push localhost:5000/starter-test-run
Make the necessary edits to the node_cpu
and node_ram
fields in the pools.yaml
file. Ensure that a minimum of 4 cores and 4GB of RAM are reserved for system usage. The remaining resources can be allocated for fuzzing. Once you have made these adjustments, update the pools.yaml
file accordingly.
Full path to the file:
Modify credentials of the system users:
export CHARS="0-9a-zA-Z_\-;.,%$"
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc $CHARS | head -c 22 > password_bondi_user.txt
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc $CHARS | head -c 22 > password_bondi_admin.txt
export ENVFILE=./bondifuzz/services/api-gateway/.env
sed -i "s/DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=.*/DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=`cat password_bondi_user.txt`/g" $ENVFILE
sed -i "s/SYSTEM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=.*/SYSTEM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=`cat password_bondi_admin.txt`/g" $ENVFILE
Deploy bondifuzz services:
docker-compose build
docker-compose -p bondifuzz up -d
Now host at http://localhost:8080
must be available
pip install build/ui/bondi-python
bondi config init \
--server-url "" \
--username root \
--password `cat password_bondi_admin.txt`
bondi admin users list
# +------+------------+----------------+------------------------+---------+
# | ID | Username | Display name | Email | Admin |
# |------+------------+----------------+------------------------+---------|
# | 1238 | root | Root | [email protected] | True |
# | 1242 | default | Default | [email protected] | False |
# +------+------------+----------------+------------------------+---------+