Minimal output-stream writer API.
A pluggable output writer interface/adapter to embed/expose in tools and reporters, also a simplified stream.
This is not a logging framework or full console or stream replacement. Instead this is an abstraction to build on or expose in other tools. Intend as companion to ministyle (et al).
Main usage:
// simplified node.js.browser compatible console.log()
var mw = miniwrite.console();
// write plain text line
mw.writeln('hello world!');
Buffer writes:
// buffer own lines
var mw = miniwrite.buffer();
// buffer other writes (handy for testing)
var mw = miniwrite.buffer(myMiniWrite);
// get buffer
var str = mw.concat();
var str = mw.concat('\n\n', '\t');
// iterate buffer if you must
mw.lines.forEach(function(line) {
// clear buffer
Adapter to buffer character writes via mw.write(chars)
, auto-flushes on newlines:
var mw = miniwrite.chars(miniwrite.console());
// write plain text line
mw.write(' ');
mw.writeln('world!'); // "hello world\n"
//or accumulate chars
mw.flush(true); // onetwo
// clear buffer
mw.flush(true); // two
Spread of multiple writers
var mw = miniwrite.multi([myANSIConsole, myRemoteSocket, myDiskLogger]);
mw.enabled = true;
mw.targets.forEach(function(subw, num) {
// ..
Proxy to toggle stream or swap output target:
var mw = miniwrite.peek(myMiniWrite, callback);
mw.enabled = true; = myOherWrite;
mw.callback = function(line) {
// return string, or false to ignore
Proxy to toggle stream or swap output target:
var mw = miniwrite.proxy(myMiniWrite);
mw.enabled = true; = myOherWrite; = myOherWrite;
Convenience preset for grunt (same as in grunt ~0.4.1
var mw = miniwrite.grunt(grunt);
Build your own:
var mw = {};
mw.writeln = function(line) {
myWebSocketHyperStream.send({line: line})
// pass to supporting tools
Tap into output
awesomeModule.writer = miniwrite.splitter([awesomeModule.writer, myMiniWrite]);
$ npm install miniwrite --save
- 0.1.2 - Enabled strict mode, split in internal modules
- 0.1.0 - Extracted styling to ministyle.
- 0.0.1 - Extracted code from existing projects
Install development dependencies in your git checkout:
$ npm install
~Build and run tests:
$ grunt
See the Gruntfile.js
for additional commands.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Note: this is an opinionated module: please create a ticket to discuss any big ideas. Pull requests for bug fixes are of course always welcome.
Copyright (c) 2013 Bart van der Schoor
Licensed under the MIT license.