PHP 7.4
Symfony CLI
NODEJS + yarn
Launch develpment environment
git clone
Clone project (SSH)
git clone [email protected]:Aucante/Adriaticante_symfony.git
composer install
npm install
Create BDD - Créer BDD
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
Migrate BDD - Migrer BDD
php bin/console make:migration
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load
Fixtures for functionnal test database
symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test
If you want ignore questions
symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction
symfony server:start
php bin/phpunit
for more precisions
php bin/phpunit --testdox
composer run-script phpstan
Check code quality
Run tests with phpunit and phpstan
composer check-all
Php-cs-fixer / PSR
php-cs-fixer fix src --verbose --rules=@Symfony
For show all messages that should be translated for FR
php bin/console translation:extract --dump-messages fr
For updates FR files with missing strings
php bin/console translation:extract --force fr
Run it before updating public_html/build
npm run build
Use it if public folder has no changes + FTP for changes in public (i.e: build)
git pull
Use it if you have changed files for Hostinger
php composer.phar install