A NixOS module that replaces ACME certificate management with an implementation based on certmagic.
- Faster NixOS activation when dealing with lots of certificates.
- Webserver clustering support, by using custom storage.
- Doesn't support all NixOS
options. (Some simply TODO.) - Maintained out-of-tree.
- Currently supports only Nginx. (TODO: Apache HTTPd, maybe even Caddy.)
- No individual systemd units to create dependencies on.
NOTE: Certmagic cannot migrate the state directory of the standard NixOS module. Swapping this in on an existing server will create a new Let's Encrypt account and request new certificates. It is, however, safe to switch back and forth between implementations.
Import <nixos-certmagic/module>
into your NixOS configuration. Our
preference is to use Nix flakes, which looks like this:
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05";
nixos-certmagic = {
url = "github:AngryBytes/nixos-certmagic";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixos-certmagic }: {
# Example configuration for a host.
nixosConfigurations.myhost = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
# Import the nixos-certmagic module.
# This is your own configuration.
When using custom storage, multiple hosts can coordinate certificate requests using a simple locking mechanism, and share the resulting keys and certificates. This allows you to create a simple cluster of webservers with DNS round-robin, for example.
Currently, there is only one custom storage option: MySQL
# For the format of the Data Source Name (DSN), see:
# The DSN is treated like a secret, because it often contains a password.
# The file can simple be owned by `root` with `0600` permissions.
# Tables are automatically created. Just make sure the database and user exist.
security.acme.defaults.credentialFiles = {
CERTMAGIC_MYSQL_DSN_FILE = "/run/secrets/certmagic-mysql-dsn";