This project is a demonstration of a simple Turbo Module embedded in a React Native TypeScript App.
You can find the step-by-step guide the implementation here.
- Clone the demo app repository:
git clone
Within the folder you will find 2 subfolders:
- RTNDeviceName which is a Turbo Module that returns the Native device name
- TMDemo which is a TS app that implements the TurboModule and displays the device name
- From the TMDemo folder, install the dependencies by running:
This installs all the dependencies.
- From the TMDemo folder, add the TurboModule to your app by running:
yarn add ../RTNDeviceName
- From the TMDemo/android/app/ directory, generate a debug keystore by running:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
- Connect your Android Device / Fire tablet device following these instructions.
- From the TMDemo folder, run the app using the command:
yarn android
If you found a bug or want to suggest a new [feature/use case/sample], please file an issue.
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- on Twitter at @AmazonAppDev
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