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Repo for testing and developing a common postmortem-derived brain sequencing (PMDBS) workflow harmonized across ASAP


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Repo for testing and developing a common postmortem-derived brain sequencing (PMDBS) workflow harmonized across ASAP with human sc/sn RNA sequencing data.

Common workflows, tasks, utility scripts, and docker images reused across harmonized ASAP workflows are defined in the wf-common repository.

Table of contents


Worfklows are defined in the workflows directory. The python scripts which process the data at each stage can be found the docker/scvi/scripts directory.

Workflow diagram

Entrypoint: workflows/main.wdl

Input template: workflows/inputs.json

The workflow is broken up into two main chunks:

  1. Preprocessing
  2. Cohort analysis


Run once per sample; only rerun when the preprocessing workflow version is updated. Preprocessing outputs are stored in the originating team's raw and staging data buckets.

Cohort analysis

Run once per team (all samples from a single team) if project.run_project_cohort_analysis is set to true, and once for the whole cohort (all samples from all teams). This can be rerun using different sample subsets; including additional samples requires this entire analysis to be rerun. Intermediate files from previous runs are not reused and are stored in timestamped directories.


An input template file can be found at workflows/inputs.json.

Type Name Description
String cohort_id Name of the cohort; used to name output files during cross-team cohort analysis.
Array[Project] projects The project ID, set of samples and their associated reads and metadata, output bucket locations, and whether or not to run project-level cohort analysis.
File cellranger_reference_data Cellranger transcriptome reference data; see
Float? cellbender_fpr Cellbender false positive rate for signal removal. [0.0]
Boolean? run_cross_team_cohort_analysis Whether to run downstream harmonization steps on all samples across projects. If set to false, only preprocessing steps (cellranger and generating the initial adata object(s)) will run for samples. [false]
String cohort_raw_data_bucket Bucket to upload cross-team cohort intermediate files to.
Array[String] cohort_staging_data_buckets Buckets to upload cross-team cohort analysis outputs to.
Int? n_top_genes Number of HVG genes to keep. [3000]
String? scvi_latent_key Latent key to save the scVI latent to. ['X_scvi']
String? batch_key Key in AnnData object for batch information. ['batch_id']
String? label_key Key to reference 'cell_type' labels. ['cell_type']
File cell_type_markers_list CSV file containing a list of major cell type markers; used to annotate cells.
Array[String]? groups Groups to produce umap plots for. ['sample', 'batch', 'cell_type', 'leiden_res_0.05', 'leiden_res_0.10', 'leiden_res_0.20', 'leiden_res_0.40']
Array[String]? features Features to produce umap plots for. ['n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'pct_counts_mt', 'pct_counts_rb', 'doublet_score', 'S_score', 'G2M_score']
String container_registry Container registry where workflow Docker images are hosted.
String? zones GCP zones where compute will take place. ['us-central1-c us-central1-f']



Type Name Description
String team_id Unique identifier for team; used for naming output files
String dataset_id Unique identifier for dataset; used for metadata
Array[Sample] samples The set of samples associated with this project
File? project_sample_metadata_csv CSV containing all sample information including batch, condition, etc. This is required for the bulk RNAseq pipeline. For the batch column, there must be at least two distinct values.
File? project_condition_metadata_csv CSV containing condition and intervention IDs used to categorize conditions into broader groups for DESeq2 pairwise condition ('Case', 'Control', and 'Other'). This is required for the bulk RNAseq pipeline.
Boolean run_project_cohort_analysis Whether or not to run cohort analysis within the project
String raw_data_bucket Raw data bucket; intermediate output files that are not final workflow outputs are stored here
String staging_data_bucket Staging data bucket; final project-level outputs are stored here


Type Name Description
String sample_id Unique identifier for the sample within the project
String? batch The sample's batch. If unset, the analysis will stop after running cellranger_count.
File fastq_R1 Path to the sample's read 1 FASTQ file
File fastq_R2 Path to the sample's read 2 FASTQ file
File? fastq_I1 Optional fastq index 1
File? fastq_I2 Optional fastq index 2

Generating the inputs JSON

The inputs JSON may be generated manually, however when running a large number of samples, this can become unwieldly. The generate_inputs utility script may be used to automatically generate the inputs JSON. The script requires the libraries outlined in the requirements.txt file and the following inputs:

  • project-tsv: One or more project TSVs with one row per sample and columns team_id, sample_id, batch, fastq_path. All samples from all projects may be included in the same project TSV, or multiple project TSVs may be provided.
    • team_id: A unique identifier for the team from which the sample(s) arose
    • dataset_id: A unique identifier for the dataset from which the sample(s) arose
    • sample_id: A unique identifier for the sample within the project
    • batch: The sample's batch
    • fastq_path: The directory in which paired sample FASTQs may be found, including the gs:// bucket name and path
      • This is appended to the project-tsv from the fastq-locs-txt: FASTQ locations for all samples provided in the project-tsv, one per line. Each sample is expected to have one set of paired fastqs located at ${fastq_path}/${sample_id}*. The read 1 file should include 'R1' somewhere in the filename; the read 2 file should inclue 'R2' somewhere in the filename. Generate this file e.g. by running gsutil ls gs://fastq_bucket/some/path/**.fastq.gz >> fastq_locs.txt
  • inputs-template: The inputs template JSON file into which the projects information derived from the project-tsv will be inserted. Must have a key ending in *.projects. Other default values filled out in the inputs template will be written to the output inputs.json file.
  • run-project-cohort-analysis: Optionally run project-level cohort analysis for provided projects. This value will apply to all projects. [false]
  • workflow_name: WDL workflow name.
  • cohort-dataset: Dataset name in cohort bucket name (e.g. 'sc-rnaseq').
  • output-file-prefix: Optional output file prefix name. [inputs.{cohort_staging_bucket_type}.{source}-{cohort_dataset}.{date}.json]

Example usage:

./wf-common/util/generate_inputs \
    --project-tsv metadata.tsv \
    --inputs-template workflows/inputs.json \
    --run-project-cohort-analysis \
    --workflow-name pmdbs_bulk_rnaseq_analysis \
    --cohort-dataset sc-rnaseq \
    --output-file inputs.harmonized_sc_rnaseq_workflow.json


Output structure

  • cohort_id: either the team_id for project-level cohort analysis, or the cohort_id for the full cohort
  • workflow_run_timestamp: format: %Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ
  • The list of samples used to generate the cohort analysis will be output alongside other cohort analysis outputs in the staging data bucket (${cohort_id}.sample_list.tsv)
  • The MANIFEST.tsv file in the staging data bucket describes the file name, md5 hash, timestamp, workflow version, workflow name, and workflow release for the run used to generate each file in that directory

Raw data (intermediate files and final outputs for all runs of the workflow)

The raw data bucket will contain some artifacts generated as part of workflow execution. Following successful workflow execution, the artifacts will also be copied into the staging bucket as final outputs.

In the workflow, task outputs are either specified as String (final outputs, which will be copied in order to live in raw data buckets and staging buckets) or File (intermediate outputs that are periodically cleaned up, which will live in the cromwell-output bucket). This was implemented to reduce storage costs. Preprocess final outputs are defined in the workflow at main.wdl and cohort analysis final outputs are defined at cohort_analysis.wdl.

└── pmdbs_sc_rnaseq
    └── workflow_execution
        ├── cohort_analysis
        │   └──${cohort_analysis_workflow_version}
        │       └── ${workflow_run_timestamp}
        │            └── <cohort outputs>
        └── preprocess  // only produced in project raw data buckets, not in the full cohort bucket
            ├── cellranger
            │   └── ${cellranger_task_version}
            │       └── <cellranger output>
            ├── remove_technical_artifacts
            │   └── ${cellbender_task_version}
            │       └── <remove_technical_artifacts output>
            └── counts_to_adata
                └── ${adata_task_version}
                    └── <counts_to_adata output>

Staging data (intermediate workflow objects and final workflow outputs for the latest run of the workflow)

Following QC by researchers, the objects in the dev or uat bucket are synced into the curated data buckets, maintaining the same file structure. Curated data buckets are named asap-curated-{cohort,team-xxyy}-{source}-{dataset}.

Data may be synced using the promote_staging_data script.

└── pmdbs_sc_rnaseq
    ├── cohort_analysis
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.sample_list.tsv
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.merged_adata_object.h5ad
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.initial_metadata.csv
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.doublet_score.violin.png
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.n_genes_by_counts.violin.png
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.pct_counts_mt.violin.png
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.pct_counts_rb.violin.png
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.total_counts.violin.png
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.all_genes.csv
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.hvg_genes.csv
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.final_validation_metrics.csv
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}_scvi_model.tar.gz
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.cell_types.csv
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.final_adata.h5ad
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.final_metadata.csv
    │   ├── ${team_id}.scib_report.csv
    │   ├── ${team_id}.scib_results.svg
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.features.umap.png
    │   ├── ${cohort_id}.groups.umap.png
    │   └── MANIFEST.tsv
    └── preprocess
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.metrics_summary.csv
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.molecule_info.h5
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbender_report.html
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbender_metrics.csv
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbender_filtered.h5
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbender_ckpt.tar.gz
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbender_cell_barcodes.csv
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbender.pdf
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbender.log
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbender.h5
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.cellbend_posterior.h5
        ├── ${sampleA_id}.adata_object.h5ad
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.metrics_summary.csv
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.molecule_info.h5
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbender_report.html
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbender_metrics.csv
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbender_filtered.h5
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbender_ckpt.tar.gz
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbender_cell_barcodes.csv
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbender.pdf
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbender.log
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbender.h5
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.cellbend_posterior.h5
        ├── ${sampleB_id}.adata_object.h5ad
        ├── ...
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.metrics_summary.csv
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.molecule_info.h5
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbender_report.html
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbender_metrics.csv
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbender_filtered.h5
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbender_ckpt.tar.gz
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbender_cell_barcodes.csv
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbender.pdf
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbender.log
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbender.h5
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.cellbend_posterior.h5
        ├── ${sampleN_id}.adata_object.h5ad
        └── MANIFEST.tsv

Promoting staging data

The promote_staging_data script can be used to promote staging data that has been approved to the curated data bucket for a team or set of teams.

This script compiles bucket and file information for both the initial (staging) and target (prod) environment. It also runs data integrity tests to ensure staging data can be promoted and generates a Markdown report. It (1) checks that files are not empty and are not less than or equal to 10 bytes (factoring in white space) and (2) checks that files have associated metadata and is present in MANIFEST.tsv.

If data integrity tests pass, this script will upload a combined MANIFEST.tsv and the data promotion Markdown report under a metadata/{timestamp} directory in the staging bucket. Previous manifest files and reports will be kept. Next, it will rsync all files in the staging bucket to the curated bucket's preprocess, cohort_analysis, and metadata directories. Exercise caution when using this script; files that are not present in the source (staging) bucket will be deleted at the destination (curated) bucket.

If data integrity tests fail, staging data cannot be promoted. The combined MANFIEST.tsv, Markdown report, and promote_staging_data_script.log will be locally available.

The script defaults to a dry run, printing out the files that would be copied or deleted for each selected team.


-h  Display this message and exit
-t  Space-delimited team(s) to promote data for
-l  List available teams
-s  Source name in bucket name
-d  Space-delimited dataset name(s) in team bucket name, must follow the same order as {team}
-w  Workflow name used as a directory in bucket
-p  Promote data. If this option is not selected, data that would be copied or deleted is printed out, but files are not actually changed (dry run)
-e  Staging bucket type; options are 'uat' or 'dev' ['uat']


# List available teams
./wf-common/util/promote_staging_data -t cohort -l -s pmdbs -d sc-rnaseq -w pmdbs_sc_rnaseq

# Print out the files that would be copied or deleted from the staging bucket to the curated bucket for teams team-hafler, team-lee, and cohort
./wf-common/util/promote_staging_data -t team-hafler team-lee cohort -s pmdbs -d sc-rnaseq -w pmdbs_sc_rnaseq

# Promote data for team-scherzer, team-sulzer, and cohort
./wf-common/util/promote_staging_data -t team-scherzer team-sulzer cohort -s pmdbs -d sc-rnaseq -w pmdbs_sc_rnaseq -p -e dev

Docker images

Docker images are defined in the docker directory. Each image must minimally define a build.env file and a Dockerfile.

Example directory structure:

├── scvi
│   ├── build.env
│   └── Dockerfile
└── samtools
    ├── build.env
    └── Dockerfile

The build.env file

Each target image is defined using the build.env file, which is used to specify the name and version tag for the corresponding Docker image. It must contain at minimum the following variables:


All variables defined in the build.env file will be made available as build arguments during Docker image build.

The DOCKERFILE variable may be used to specify the path to a Dockerfile if that file is not found alongside the build.env file, for example when multiple images use the same base Dockerfile definition.

Building Docker images

Docker images can be build using the build_docker_images script.

# Build a single image
./build_docker_images -d docker/scvi

# Build all images in the `docker` directory
./build_docker_images -d docker

# Build and push all images in the docker directory, using the `dnastack` container registry
./build_docker_images -d docker -c dnastack -p

Tool and library versions

Image Major tool versions Links
cellbender Dockerfile
cellranger Dockerfile
scvi Python libraries: Dockerfile
multiome Dockerfile
util Dockerfile


wdl-ci provides tools to validate and test workflows and tasks written in Workflow Description Language (WDL). In addition to the tests packaged in wdl-ci, the pmdbs-sc-rnaseq-wdl-ci-custom-test-dir is a directory containing custom WDL-based tests that are used to test workflow tasks. wdl-ci in this repository is set up to run on pull request.

In general, wdl-ci will use inputs provided in the wdl-ci.config.json and compare current outputs and validated outputs based on changed tasks/workflows to ensure outputs are still valid by meeting the critera in the specified tests. For example, if the Cell Ranger task in our workflow was changed, then this task would be submitted and that output would be considered the "current output". When inspecting the raw counts generated by Cell Ranger, there is a test specified in the wdl-ci.config.json called, "check_hdf5". The test will compare the "current output" and "validated output" (provided in the wdl-ci.config.json) to make sure that the raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 file is still a valid HDF5 file.


Cell type marker table

The reference taxonomy for inference of cell types via CellAssign are sourced from


This repo and work was originally developed under the name harmonized-wf-dev.

This workflow was initally set up to implement the Harmony RNA snakemake workflow in WDL. The WDL version of the workflow aims to maintain backwards compatibility with the snakemake scripts. Scripts used by the WDL workflow were modified from the Harmony RNA snakemake repo; originals may be found here, and their modified R versions in the docker/multiome/scripts directory. Eventually snakemake support was depricated and the workflows were migrated to Python. Initial version here.


Repo for testing and developing a common postmortem-derived brain sequencing (PMDBS) workflow harmonized across ASAP







No packages published

Contributors 4
