Install Docker on Ubuntu and Debian using a single command docker install script
- Update Package Index & Install Required Packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
- Download and Add Docker GPG Key
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
- Add Docker Repository
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
- Update Package Index
sudo apt update
- Install Docker CE
sudo apt install docker-ce
- Start Docker Daemon
sudo systemctl start docker
- Enable Docker to Start on Boot
sudo systemctl enable docker
Welcome to the comprehensive guide to the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) and Docker. Here you'll find an organized collection of essential commands complemented with real-world usage examples.
1. Server and SSH Access
SSH into a Server:
ssh -i <PrivateKeyFile> user@<IPAddress> Example: ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem [email protected]
Copy Files between Local System and Remote Server:
scp <LocalFilePath> user@<IPAddress>:<RemoteDirectoryPath> Example: scp ~/documents/report.txt [email protected]:~/reports/
Copy Directory to Remote Server:
scp -r <LocalDirectory> user@<IPAddress>:<RemoteDirectoryPath> Example: scp -r ~/documents/project/ [email protected]:~/projects/
Display SSH Configuration:
cat ~/.ssh/config Example: cat ~/.ssh/config
Generate SSH Key Pair:
ssh-keygen Example: ssh-keygen
Check SSH Connection:
ssh -T [email protected] Example: ssh -T [email protected]
Edit SSH Configuration:
nano ~/.ssh/config Example: nano ~/.ssh/config
2. User Management in Linux
Add User for Server Access:
Create a New User:
sudo useradd -m <username> Example: sudo useradd -m linda
Set Password:
sudo passwd <username> Example: sudo passwd linda
Paste Public SSH Key:
nano /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys Example: nano /home/linda/.ssh/authorized_keys
Add User to Sudoers List:
sudo usermod -aG sudo <username> Example: sudo usermod -aG sudo linda
Delete a User:
sudo userdel <username> Example: sudo userdel linda
Display List of Users:
cat /etc/passwd Example: cat /etc/passwd
Change User Information:
sudo chfn <username> Example: sudo chfn linda
Change User's Shell:
sudo chsh <username> Example: sudo chsh linda
Lock a User Account:
sudo passwd -l <username> Example: sudo passwd -l linda
Unlock a User Account:
sudo passwd -u <username> Example: sudo passwd -u linda
Grant Directory Access:
chmod +rx /home/SRCusername usermod -aG SRCusername Targetusername chown SRCusername:SRCusername /home/SRCusername Example: chmod +rx /home/john usermod -aG john linda chown john:john /home/john
3. Docker Operations
List Running Containers:
docker ps Example: docker ps
List All Containers (including stopped ones):
docker ps -a Example: docker ps -a
Start a Stopped Container:
docker start <CONTAINER ID/NAME> Example: docker start nostalgic_turing
Stop a Running Container:
docker stop <CONTAINER ID/NAME> Example: docker stop jolly_pasteur
Remove a Container:
docker rm <CONTAINER ID/NAME> Example: docker rm nostalgic_turing
Attach to a Running Container:
docker container attach <CONTAINER ID> Example: docker container attach a1b2c3d4
Pull an Image:
docker pull <IMAGE_NAME> Example: docker pull nginx:latest
List Docker Images:
docker images Example: docker images
Remove an Image:
docker rmi <IMAGE_NAME> Example: docker rmi nginx:latest
Run a Docker Image:
docker run -it -p <HOST_PORT>:<CONTAINER_PORT> <IMAGE_NAME> Example: docker run -it -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
Enter a Running Container's Shell:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID/NAME> /bin/bash Example: docker exec -it jolly_pasteur /bin/bash
Inspect a Container:
docker inspect <CONTAINER ID/NAME> Example: docker inspect jolly_pasteur
Retrieve Logs from a Container:
docker logs <CONTAINER ID/NAME> Example: docker logs jolly_pasteur
Using Curl Inside a Container:
curl get <URL> Example: curl get
Clone a Repository Inside a Container:
git clone <REPO_URL> Example: git clone
4. Data Transfer in Docker
Move and Copy Files within a System:
mv <SOURCE_PATH> <DESTINATION_PATH> Example: mv ~/old_location/file.txt ~/new_location/
Copy File to a Container:
docker container cp <SOURCE_PATH> <CONTAINER ID>:<DESTINATION_PATH_IN_CONTAINER> Example: docker container cp ~/documents/report.txt jolly_pasteur:/app/
Copy File from a Container to Host:
docker container cp <CONTAINER ID>:<SOURCE_PATH_IN_CONTAINER> <DESTINATION_PATH> Example: docker container cp jolly_pasteur:/app/report.txt ~/documents/
Bind Mount a Volume to a Container:
docker run -v <HOST_DIRECTORY>:<CONTAINER_DIRECTORY> <IMAGE_NAME> Example: docker run -v ~/data:/app/data nginx:latest
Create a Docker Volume:
docker volume create <VOLUME_NAME> Example: docker volume create mydata
List Docker Volumes:
docker volume ls Example: docker volume ls
Linux CLI and Docker Manual (Continuation)
5. Docker-Compose Commands
Start services defined in a docker-compose.yml:
docker-compose up Example: docker-compose up
Start services in detached mode:
docker-compose up -d Example: docker-compose up -d
Stop running services:
docker-compose down Example: docker-compose down
List running services:
docker-compose ps Example: docker-compose ps
Build or rebuild services:
docker-compose build Example: docker-compose build
Check service logs:
docker-compose logs <SERVICE_NAME> Example: docker-compose logs webapp
Execute command in a running service container:
docker-compose exec <SERVICE_NAME> <COMMAND> Example: docker-compose exec webapp ls -la
6. Nginx on Docker Domain, Subdomain, and DNS Setting Commands
(Note: These commands assume you're running an nginx container and have access to DNS settings for domain configuration.)
Run an Nginx container with a bound configuration:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /path/to/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf nginx Example: docker run -d -p 80:80 -v ~/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf nginx
Sample Nginx configuration for domain and subdomain:
server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass http://your_backend_service_address; } } server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass http://your_backend_service_address_for_subdomain; } }
Update DNS records for domain and subdomain:
(This isn't a command, but a procedure. Use your DNS provider's interface to point `` and `` to your server's IP address.)
Reload Nginx inside Docker without stopping the container:
docker exec <CONTAINER_ID/NAME> nginx -s reload Example: docker exec nostalgic_turing nginx -s reload
7. Linux Server and Docker Container Port Security
(Note: The following procedures are general practices for maintaining security. Please ensure that you have the necessary software/tools installed and always keep backups before making any changes.)
Check open ports on Linux server:
sudo netstat -tuln Example: sudo netstat -tuln
Limit ports using UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall):
sudo ufw allow <PORT>/<PROTOCOL> Example: sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
Deny a specific port using UFW:
sudo ufw deny <PORT>/<PROTOCOL> Example: sudo ufw deny 3306/tcp
Enable UFW:
sudo ufw enable Example: sudo ufw enable
Check Docker container's exposed ports:
docker port <CONTAINER_ID/NAME> Example: docker port jolly_pasteur
Limit Docker container port exposure: (When running a Docker container, you can map only necessary ports to host ports.)
docker run -p <HOST_PORT>:<CONTAINER_PORT> <IMAGE_NAME> Example: docker run -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
Keep Docker and its dependencies updated:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade docker docker-compose Example: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade docker docker-compose
Run containers with a non-root user: (This involves using the
flag with Docker and setting up Dockerfile to support non-root users. Here's a general command.)docker run -d --user <UID>:<GID> <IMAGE_NAME> Example: docker run -d --user 1001:1001 nginx:latest