A simple boilerplate for Deno CRUD Api, with jwt authentication.
- simple CRUD operations.
- Oak framework.
- deno-postgres as postgres deriver
- jwt and deno-bcrypt for authentication.
- handle all errors
- using yup for body data validation using pika.dev
- tests
- deno-nessie for database migrations.
- Docker
- github actions (CI)
- Deno v1.
- Postgres
git clone https://github.com/22mahmoud/deno_crud_jwt.git
cd deno_crud_jwt
cp .env.example .env
before run the server fill .env values.
# download & cache all deps
deno cache ./deps.ts
# migrate database after fill your env file
deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-env https://deno.land/x/nessie/cli.ts migrate
# run the server
deno run --allow-net --allow-env --allow-read --unstable src/index.ts