A UI Library for the Roblox CoreGui.
Creates a section from one of the tabs in the CoreGui.
<table> CoreUI.Section(<string> Section)
Sets the title of the section.
<void> Section.Title(<string> Title)
Sets the icon of the section.
<void> Section.Icon(<string> Url)
Creates a button in the section.
<void> Section.Button(<string> Text, <function> Callback)
Creates a switch in the section.
<void> Section.Switch(<string> Text, <boolean> Default, <function Callback)
Creates a slider in the section.
<void> Section.Slider(<string> Text, <number> Default, <number> Minimum, <number> Maximum, <function> Callback)
Creates a divider of text in the section
<void> Section.Divider(<string> Text, <string> Description)