CodeQL zero to hero part 4: Gradio framework case study
Learn how I discovered 11 new vulnerabilities by writing CodeQL models for Gradio framework and how you can do it, too.

Sylwia is a security researcher at GitHub Security Lab, where she works with finding vulnerabilities in open source software, helping secure the foundations on which all modern software is built upon.
Learn how I discovered 11 new vulnerabilities by writing CodeQL models for Gradio framework and how you can do it, too.
Learn how to use CodeQL for security research and improve your security research workflow.
Learn the basics of CodeQL and how to use it for security research! In this blog, we will teach you how to leverage GitHub’s static analysis tool CodeQL to write custom CodeQL queries.
Learn more about static analysis and how to use it for security research!
In this blog post series, we will take a closer look at static analysis concepts, present GitHub’s static analysis tool CodeQL, and teach you how to leverage static analysis for security research by writing custom CodeQL queries.