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This CGIT instance is deprecated, and repositories have been moved to Gitlab or Github. See the repository descriptions for specific locations.

BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masteradjusted legal info, improve validationRalf Mollik6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2019-04-25adjusted legal info, improve validationHEADmasterRalf Mollik5-7/+7
2018-11-07catch up with branch dailyRalf Mollik64-86/+88
2018-07-09catch up with branch developmentRalf Mollik2-9/+2
2018-06-28, migrate to EPL 2.0 and ...Ralf Mollik150-2797/+3415
2018-04-03rename fileRalf Mollik1-0/+106
2018-04-03rename fileRalf Mollik1-106/+0
2018-03-28catch up with branch developmentRalf Mollik11-25387/+1
2018-02-23catch up with developmentRalf Mollik153-16119/+137154
2017-08-28parallel ip - initial checkinRalf Mollik182-0/+72181
ssh://[email protected]:29418/osbp/org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.authorization.git

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