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Ben Wiseley wiseleyb

  • Monterey, CA
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wiseleyb /
Last active December 15, 2023 15:39
Docker aliases

Docker Aliases

Some aliases used

alias dcbundle='docker-compose run web bundle'
alias dccomp='docker-compose'
alias dccop='docker-compose run web rubocop'
alias dcup='docker-compose up'
alias dcdown='docker-compose down'
class HerokuUtils
class << self
# example
# create_dyno(cmd: 'rake --tasks',
# size: 'performance-l',
# type: 'jobs')
# cmd: any command you can pass to heroku - you don't need to include
# run:detached
# size: any heroku size
# type: this can be anything - when you run "heroku ps" it organizes things
You can customize your console this way:
In ~/.spring.rb
irbrc = "~/.irbrc"
require File.expand_path(irbrc) if File.exist?(irbrc)
In ~/.irbrc
require 'irb/ext/save-history'
This is a somewhat hacky user-recovery script that I hacked out at 3am after accidently deleting a bunch of users.
To use:
* get a good copy of the prod-db before you fucked up
* an array of user-ids you want to restore
* run users_to_yaml(user-ids)
* create a secret gist for each yml file created
* plug the urls of the gists into the Gists class
* paste this entire script into prod-con and pray
wiseleyb / setup new box
Last active February 24, 2016 16:03
Process I followed setting up a new mac
* install homebrew
* brew install coreutils
* install
* rm -rf ~/.vim
* install
* brew install tmux
* in settings > keyboard > modifier keys map caplocks to ctrl
* ln -s /Users/benwiseley/.dotfiles/plugins/tmux/tmux.conf .tmux.conf
* in terminal preferences set default to pro - change font to courier 14pt
* brew install postgres
wiseleyb /
Last active January 1, 2025 02:24
Setup a Rails, NGINX, HTTPS dev box

Setup a Rails, NGINX, HTTPS dev box

I was implementing on and they require https for the callbacks. Since this was new to me and took me a while here's a how to if anyone is looking.


You already have a rails app running on localhost:3000

Static IP Address

templates: {
'position2' => {
content_text: 'Guns, Germs and Steel',
action_url: ''
'platform' => {
content_text: 'Bob eats lunch',
action_url: ''
# This is a way to parallelize long running operations between multiple
# tmux sessions. Basically a poor mans map-reduce for use on caujob02 (or
# other high memory production machines).
# See UserAddressUpdate for an example of how to implement something being
# run. Basically you just create a class that inherits from
# RunTmuxSession and supply a query and some code to run for each row
# result of that query. More on this in RunTmuxSession.
# This launches {steps} number of tmux sessions and splits the id
pa_ids = Invitation.find_by_sql(<<-SQL)
SELECT AS profile_administration_id
FROM invitations
INNER JOIN invitation_batches ON = invitations.invitation_batch_id
INNER JOIN people ON = invitations.invitee_id
INNER JOIN profiles ON profiles.subject_id =
INNER JOIN profile_administrations ON
profile_administrations.profile_id =
# download latest libevent2 and tmux sources, and extract them somewhere
# (thx bluejedi for tip on latest tmux URL)
# at the time of writing:
cd ~
tar -zxvf libevent-2.0.21-stable.tar.gz
tar -zxvf tmux-1.9a.tar.gz