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I are prrugrameeng 🚀

Daniel Herzog wikiti

I are prrugrameeng 🚀
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wikiti / !
Last active January 18, 2025 09:32
A script to automatically add all Quixel MegaScans items to your FAB account


As per the beginning of 2025, Quixel assets are no longer free to claim, so this script is not useful anymore.


This script was built for educational purposes. Due to how FAB APIs are built to handle search pagination, all assets might not be claimable through this script. With the last script update, a total of ~600 scanned pages, with ~14k assets. Please note that, by clicking on the "Claim All" quixel button, you'll already have claimed all assets for future free usage, beyond 2024 (official response). This script simply makes sure that assets are added to a library.

Script to add all quixel megascan items to your FAB account

As quixel megascan items will stop being free after 2024. So, this script will go through all Quixel MegaScan items and add them to your account. Quixel would be working on a tool to automatically add all resources to you

wikiti / csv.rb
Last active November 12, 2021 09:38
Generate CSV file or strings with ruby
require 'csv'
# To a file'path/to/file.csv', 'wb') do |csv|
csv << ['row', 'of', 'CSV', 'data']
csv << ['another', 'row']
# ...
# To a String
wikiti /
Last active August 20, 2019 10:54
Find the values of the inherited environment variables of a process
# Find out the PID of the process
ps -aux | grep <process-name>
# Check the environment variables
cat /proc/<pid>/environ | tr '\0' '\n'
# For example:
cat /proc/1234/environ | tr '\0' '\n'
wikiti /
Created January 21, 2019 15:13
Show a git tree as a graph using basic git commands
# Format
git log --oneline --graph
# To show all refs
git log --oneline --graph --all
wikiti /
Created January 8, 2019 13:22
Watch a file for process changes.
# TODO: This does not work
# To add a watcher
sudo auditctl -w </absolute/path/to/file>
# To remove a watcher
sudo auditctl -W </absolute/path/to/file>
# To list auditd rules
sudo auditctl -l
wikiti /
Last active January 2, 2019 13:07
Use `sha1sum` command to calculate the SHA1 hash code for a set of files.
# Format
sha1sum <files>
# Example:
sha1sum document.docx
# ab9d7658e42da2a00c56d3bc6cdf1d9d5f0d3c6e document.docx
# Using multiple arguments:
sha1sum document.docx another_file.docx
# ab9d7658e42da2a00c56d3bc6cdf1d9d5f0d3c6e document.docx
wikiti /
Created December 18, 2018 13:30
Run a command until it returns a non-zero exit code. Alternatively, run a command until it returns a zero exit code.
# Format
while <command>; do :; done
# Example
while bundle exec rspec spec/models/project_spec.rb:15; do :; done
# Alternatively, you may use `until` instead of `while` to run a command until it returns a 0 exit code.
until <command>; do :; done
wikiti /
Last active October 19, 2018 10:45
Use find command to search and delete/remove files by name (globs). This can be useful to remove temporary files.
# Find files by name
find path/to/folder -name <name or pattern>
# Find files and remove by name
find path/to/folder -name <name or pattern> -exec rm {} \;
# Examples
find ~/secrets -name super_secret.txt
find ~/images -name *.png
wikiti /
Last active October 9, 2018 10:05
Resolve a binary conflict when performing merges. Of course, this works too for plain text files.
# Use this commands after a git merge conflict, if you can't
# (or don't want to) fix the conflicts on some files.
# To use the base branch's file, use this:
git checkout --ours -- path/to/your/file.ext
git add path/to/file.ext
# To use the compare branch's file, use this:
git checkout --theirs -- path/to/your/file.ext
git add path/to/file.ext
wikiti / datetime.rb
Created October 2, 2018 13:28
Parse any datetime string on any known timezone
# Fetch a Rails timezone, and use it to parse a string
# For example:
ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Madrid'].parse('2018-08-30 14:36')
# Thu, 30 Aug 2018 14:36:00 CEST +02:00