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Last active February 21, 2024 17:54
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# Source:
# Crossplane Configuration Packages | Tutorial (Part 4) #
# Chapter Setup #
cd crossplane-tutorial
nix-shell --run $SHELL
chmod +x setup/
source .env
# Building Configuration Packages #
# Continue review
kubectl get compositions
kubectl get pkgrev
cd compositions/sql-v7
ls -1
cat crossplane.yaml
crossplane xpkg build
ls -1
# Open in a browser and create an account if you do not have it already.
up repository create dot-sql
# Open in a browser, open the user in the top-right corner of the screen, and choose which account you'd like to manage.
# Replace `[...]` with the username
export UP_USER=[...]
crossplane xpkg login --username $UP_USER
crossplane xpkg push$UP_USER/dot-sql:v0.0.7
rm dot-sql-*.xpkg
cd ../..
# Installing Configuration Packages #
cat providers/dot-sql-v7.yaml
yq --inplace \
".spec.package = \"$UP_USER/dot-sql:v0.0.7\"" \
kubectl apply --filename providers/dot-sql-v7.yaml
kubectl get pkgrev
kubectl get compositions
cat providers/$HYPERSCALER-config.yaml
kubectl apply --filename providers/$HYPERSCALER-config.yaml
kubectl apply \
--filename providers/provider-kubernetes-incluster.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply \
--filename examples/$HYPERSCALER-sql-v6.yaml
crossplane beta trace sqlclaim my-db --namespace a-team
# Destroy Everything #
chmod +x destroy/
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