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uclayla / gitkraken-CLI
Created June 22, 2023 09:35
GitKraken CLI gk [command]

% gk aylaw@Aylas-iMac Welcome to GitKraken CLI!

Usage: gk [command]

Examples: $ gk pr list


uclayla / Markdown
Last active December 15, 2021 17:22
markdown-command-reference #command reference

Markdown Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet is intended as a quick reference and showcase of the markdown syntax in QOwnNotes.


# H1
## H2
uclayla /
Last active December 15, 2021 17:21
regex expressions #command reference

Filter/Exclude expressions (As seen in cyberduck preferences):

Downloads: .~..|.DS_Store|.svn|CVS|RCS|SCCS|.git|.bzr|.bzrignore|.bzrtags|.hg|.hgignore|.hgtags|_darcs|.file-segments

Uploads: .~..|.DS_Store|.svn|CVS|.git|.gitignore|.gitattributes|.bzr|.bzrignore|.bzrtags|.hg|.hgignore|.hgtags

uclayla / Custom Raspberry Pi (Kali) Image
Last active December 15, 2021 17:10
The following document describes our own method of creating a custom Kali Linux Raspberry Pi ARM image and is targeted at developers. If you would like to install a pre-made Kali image, check out our Install Kali on Raspberry Pi article. #raspberrypi
Custom Raspberry Pi Image | Kali Linux Documentation
4-5 minutes
The following document describes our own method of creating a custom Kali Linux Raspberry Pi ARM image and is targeted at developers. If you would like to install a pre-made Kali image, check out our Install Kali on Raspberry Pi article.
You'll need to have root privileges to do this procedure, or the ability to escalate your privileges with the command "sudo su".
01. Create a Kali rootfs
uclayla / PIA-command-line-interface (CLI)
Created February 11, 2021 00:04
PIA CLI - Commands to use with dedicated IP address
## Dedicated IPs can be used with piactl. ‘piactl dedicatedip’ add ‘piactl dedicatedip remove’ were added to add and remove dedicated IPs:
usage (add): dedicatedip add <token_file>
usage (remove): dedicatedip remove <region_id>
Add or remove a Dedicated IP.
uclayla / cli-connect-wifi
Last active January 20, 2022 04:28
connect-wifi-CLI-linux #raspberrypi #code-snippet
How to connect to a WPA/WPA2 WiFi network using Linux command line
6-7 minutes
This is a step-to-step guide for connecting to a WPA/WPA2 WiFi network via the Linux command line interface. The tools are:
uclayla / common-PS-commands
Last active December 29, 2022 00:54
Common PowerShell Commands
#### env | grep JAVA_HOME
//outputs path to environment variable
#### refreshenv
//To refresh powertool environment instead of closing:
#### $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
//check powershell version