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Avisynth+ MT modes definitions
# General info:
# 1. Do not include core filters in the list
# 2. Specify the lowest mode that produces correct output with any settings.
# For example if something works with MT_MULTI_INSTANCE on some parameters and MT_SERIALIZED with other, MT_SERIALIZED should be used
# You can of course specify this in comments so people who do want to get MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE can modify the script themselves.
# 3. Do not specify MT modes for runtime filters. Behaviour of runtime filtering with mt is not very well known yet.
# 4. In case it isn't obvious, NICE_FILTER - mt mode 1, MULTI_INSTANCE - mt mode 2, SERIALIZED - mt mode 3. Variables are defined by avs+ core.
# Official avs+ filters. Newer versions will register themself so you should never force any of these modes
SetFilterMTMode("removegrain", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("repair", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("verticalcleaner", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("clense", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("medianblur", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("medianblurtemporal", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_invert", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_binarize", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_inflate", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_deflate", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_inpand", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_expand", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_lut", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_lutxy", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_lutxyz", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_luts", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_lutf", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_lutsx", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_lutspa", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_merge", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_logic", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_convolution", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_mappedblur", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_makediff", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_average", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_adddiff", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_clamp", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_motion", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_edge", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("mt_hysteresis", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("sangnom2", MT_SERIALIZED) #can run with 2 but you should specify threads=1 then, otherwise too many threads will get created without any benefit
SetFilterMTMode("average", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("TMaskCleaner", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("checkmate", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("Deblock", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("msharpen", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("TColorMask", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("Vinverse", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("Vinverse2", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
# Core filters (because putting it here is easier than modifying the source and firing a PR)
SetFilterMtMode("DirectShowSource", MT_SERIALIZED)
SetFilterMtMode("AudioDub", MT_SERIALIZED)
# External filters (guessed, might not be very stable)
SetFilterMTMode("DitherPost", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("Dither_resize16", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothGrad", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("Dither_box_filter16", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("Dither_limit_dif16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("dfttest", MT_SERIALIZED) #same story as with sangnom2
SetFilterMTMode("AddGrainC", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
# External Filters (tested)
# Testing info:
# 1. All processing plugins have been tested with ColorBars(pixel_type="YV12") as the source. Plugins that do not support YV12 have been tested accordingly.
# 2. AVSMeter is used to check optimal performance and VDub/MPC-HC is used to check correct output.
# Source plugins
SetFilterMTMode("DGSource", MT_SERIALIZED) #DGDecNV 2046 2014/01/01 - GPU decoding
# Processing plugins
SetFilterMTMode("aBlur", MT_NICE_FILTER) #aWarpSharp2 ---> 2012/03/28 - Odd, with certain Prefetch values mode 1 is slightly better with other values mode 2 is slightly better???
SetFilterMTMode("aSobel", MT_NICE_FILTER) #aWarpSharp2 ---> 2012/03/28 - Same as aBlur
SetFilterMTMode("aWarp", MT_NICE_FILTER) #aWarpSharp2 ---> 2012/03/28 - Same as aBlur
SetFilterMTMode("aWarp4", MT_NICE_FILTER) #aWarpSharp2 ---> 2012/03/28 - Mode 1/2/3 perform very similar and have no real inprovement over single threaded.
SetFilterMTMode("aWarpSharp", MT_NICE_FILTER) #aWarpSharp2 ---> 2012/03/28 - Same as aBlur
SetFilterMTMode("aWarpSharp2", MT_NICE_FILTER) #aWarpSharp2 ---> 2012/03/28 - Same as aBlur
SetFilterMTMode("DeCross", MT_SERIALIZED) #DeCross v0.0.02 2004/02/01 - Mode 1/2 hang up and crash. Mode 3 with Prefetch >1 is much less effecient than single threaded.
SetFilterMTMode("frfun7", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #frfun7 rev6 2006/05/10 - With mode 1 the output is corrupted. This plugin works well by itself but it's really slow with other filters. :( # 2013 version seems to work as mode 1
SetFilterMTMode("gradfun2db", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #gradfun2db v1.0 2006/03/15 - With mode 1 the output is corrupted, random artifacts when playing and/or seeking.
SetFilterMTMode("MosquitoNR", MT_SERIALIZED) #MosquitoNR v0.10 2013/03/14 - It also works with mode 2, but you have to set MosquitoNR(threads=1) so it does not create any unnecessary threads.
SetFilterMTMode("StaticNoiseC", MT_NICE_FILTER) #StaticNoiseC ---> 2011/01/08 - Mode 1/2 performance is almost identical.
SetFilterMTMode("tcanny", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #tcanny v1.0 2009/06/03 - With mode 1 the output is corrupted, random artifacts when playing and/or seeking.
SetFilterMTMode("tdtrans", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #tcanny v1.0 2009/06/03 - Same as tcanny
SetFilterMTMode("TCannyMod", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #TCannyMod v0.1.1 2013/08/19 - Same as tcanny
SetFilterMTMode("TEdgeMask", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #TEdgeMask v0.9 2005/01/20 - Same as tcanny
SetFilterMTMode("TEMmod", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #TEMmod v0.2.0 2013/08/12 - Same as tcanny
SetFilterMTMode("TMM", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #TMM v1.0 2007/04/06 - Mode 1 randomly crashes and mode 2/3 are not very efficient.
SetFilterMTMode("TNLMeans", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #TNLMeans v1.0.3 2007/08/28 - Mode 1 is extremely slow
SetFilterMTMode("UnsharpHQ", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #UnsharpHQ v0.5 2014/01/19 - Mode 1 creates a few extra threads without any benefit.
SetFilterMTMode("VideoScope", MT_NICE_FILTER) #VideoScope v1.2 2004/05/01 - Mode 1/2 performance is almost identical.
SetFilterMTMode("flash3kyuu_deband", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #flash3kyuu_deband 1.5.1 2012/04/07 - Also works with mode 1 if set mt=False
# flash3kyuu_deband 2.0pre2 2012/12/03 - Crashes with mode 1 even with mt=False
# Filters from Dither 1.25.0. Tested by Firesledge (not extensively though)
SetFilterMTMode ("DitherPost", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("SmoothGrad", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_box_filter16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_bilateral16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_limit_dif16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_resize16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_out", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_removegrain16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_repair16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_median16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_add16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_sub16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_max_dif16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode ("Dither_merge16", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("DGDecode_mpeg2source",MT_NICE_FILTER) #seems to work fine as 1
SetFilterMTMode("ColorMatrix", MT_NICE_FILTER) #read note2
SetFilterMTMode("eDeen", MT_SERIALIZED) #1 and 2 gave errors
SetFilterMTMode("Deen", MT_SERIALIZED) #2 randomly gave errors, or corrupted output
SetFilterMTMode("vaguedenoiser", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("TFM", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) #2 is faster. 1 crashes randomly.
SetFilterMTMode("TDecimate", MT_SERIALIZED) #1 gave error, 2 was slower than 3
SetFilterMTMode("FTurnLeft", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("FTurnRight", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("nnedi3ocl", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
SetFilterMTMode("Yadif", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE)
#note1: Can't use mode 1 or 2 on any filters if encoding 1080i files(480i works perfectly fine).
#FFVideoSource runs a few seconds, however, it always crashes.
#As far as I know, the only workaround seems to be running a deinterlacer right after the video source and running it as "MT_SERIALIZED",
#than running any desired filters after. Filters after the deinterlacer, seem to be able use any mode.
#note2: tried multiple files, seems to corrupt video even when it is the only filter in a script.
#tried mode 1, 2, and 3, none worked. however it works fine if MT isn't enabled.
#should ColorMatrix still be in the list? as a notice? or should it be removed?
#tp7's update: removed sangnom2 and vinverse lines since they cannot run with mode 1 correctly (updated versions can but those will register themselves anyway), also removed core filters
SetFilterMTMode("FRFun3d", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("ContinuityFixer", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("ReferenceFixer", MT_NICE_FILTER)
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothLevels", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothTweak", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothCurve", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothCustom", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothTools", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothLevels16", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothTweak16", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothCurve16", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothCustom16", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("SmoothTools16", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 freezes
SetFilterMTMode("TDeint", MT_MULTI_INSTANCE) # Mode 1 creates artifacts
SetFilterMTMode("yadifmod", MT_NICE_FILTER)
#keep it the last line please
if (FunctionExists("avstp_set_threads")) {
# this isn't actually optimal, because it will also disable avstp threads if running
# on a single-threaded filter chain
avstp_set_threads(0, 1) #disable threading in dither
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