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Last active May 5, 2023 12:08
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Supercharge Your Java Apps With Python Blogpost
Context context = Context.newBuilder("python").
option("python.ForceImportSite", "true").
option("python.Executable", VENV_EXECUTABLE).
interface GraphRenderer {
InputStream render(String function, int steps);
<message>JAVA_HOME must be a GraalVM with Python installed. Download GraalVM from and install the Python component: `gu install python`</message>
<id>Prepare venv</id>
<id>Install required packages into venv</id>
Value pygalRendererClass = context.getPolyglotBindings().getMember("PygalRenderer");
Value pygalRenderer = pygalRendererClass.newInstance();;
import polyglot
polyglot.export_value("PygalRenderer", PygalRenderer)
class PygalRenderer:
def render(self, func, steps):
values = []
x = -100
while x < 100:
values.append(eval(func, globals={"x": x, **math.__dict__}))
x += 200 / steps
chart = pygal.Line(fill=False)
chart.add(f"f(x) = {func}", values)
svg_data = chart.render()
stream = SVGInputStream()
stream.this.bytestream = iter(svg_data)
return stream
class SVGInputStream(
def read(self, *args):
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