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scoppetuoloa / uupdump ConvertConfig.ini
Created December 27, 2024 23:00 — forked from slimlime/uupdump ConvertConfig.ini
uupdump ConvertConfig.ini explained (convert-UUP, AutoStart, AddUpdates, Cleanup, ResetBase, NetFx3, StartVirtual, wim2esd, wim2swm, SkipISO, SkipWinRE, LCUwinre, UpdtBootFiles, ForceDism, RefESD, SkipEdge, AutoExit, Store_Apps, SkipApps, AppsLevel, CustomList, create_virtual_editions, vAutoStart, vDeleteSource, vPreserve, vwim2esd, vwim2swm, vS…

note: some of the information is posted in comments,
if you'll fork this gist, you'll loose that information,
it is best to just bookmark this one..


WIM (ESD,SWM) is an image of an OS file system,
it can be mounted, and modified (to some degree) .
there are two possible ways, through DISM or through mounting it directly through an older way, using a driver named imagex (Windows Imaging Utility).


scoppetuoloa / aria2.conf
Created December 26, 2024 22:51 — forked from qzm/aria2.conf
Best aria2 Config
### Basic ###
# The directory to store the downloaded file.
# Downloads the URIs listed in FILE.
# Save error/unfinished downloads to FILE on exit.
# Save error/unfinished downloads to a file specified by --save-session option every SEC seconds. If 0 is given, file will be saved only when aria2 exits. Default: 0
# Set the maximum number of parallel downloads for every queue item. See also the --split option. Default: 5