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Last active November 24, 2023 16:59
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Stream Android device to mac (Quest)

Stream from android device (Oculus Quest)

Initial installs

1. install hombrew

Easyest way would be to install hombrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2. install adb

brew install --cask android-platform-tools android-platform-tools

3. install scrcpy

brew install scrcpy

Connect to your device via wifi

  1. connect the device via usb
  2. on your device allow connection
    (check the box to allow this device all the time so you dont have to allow each time)
  3. adb devices to check if adb sees it
    if "unauthorized" see step 2
  4. adb tcpip 5555 open port to stream via wifi
  5. adb shell ip addr show wlan0
    here you should see an ip like 192.168.178.XX
  6. remove device fom usb
  7. adb connect 192.168.178.XX:5555 connect to device

Stream from device

Will give you the full view:


Will give you the left eye (on Oculus Quest):

scrcpy -c 1440:1600:0:0

Will reduce the bitrate:

scrcpy -c 1440:1600:0:0 -b 3500000

See more details on the options on

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