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sam bacha sambacha

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sambacha / main.go
Created February 24, 2025 04:34 — forked from mdehoog/main.go
Dump the transcation size + estimated compressed size from a geth database, and analyze using numpy
package main
import (
sambacha /
Created February 21, 2025 20:58
Chitra Airdrop Python script
import argparse
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
def payoff(Pt, C, tau_s, r):
"""Calculates the payoff of the airdrop for a single user.
Pt: Asset price at time t.
C: Capital committed by the user at time tau_s.
bun create @knip/config
bun add --dev --exact @biomejs/biome
npm install --save-dev --save-exact @biomejs/biome
npm init @knip/config
npm install -D knip typescript @types/node
npx knip
knip --fix
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam roundCorner 20
skinparam maxMessageSize 80
skinparam sequenceParticipant underline
skinparam backgroundColor #ffffff
title Block Proposal
Category Scope Foreground Color Font Style Description
Visibility Modifiers storage.type.modifier.keyword.solidity #84f56293 Underline Public, memory, etc. modifiers
External Visibility storage.type.modifier.keyword.extendedscope.solidity #f56262 Underline External scope modifiers
Control Keywords keyword.control.solidity #fffffff5 Bold Keywords like emit, new, delete
Functions #fae674d7 Normal Function names
Transaction Variables (Inconclusive) variable.language.transaction.solidity #ffc570 Bold Underline Transaction-related variables
Transaction Variables (Security) #f56262 Bold Underline Secure transaction variables
Transaction Functions (Security) #f56262 Bold Underline
sambacha /
Created February 2, 2025 21:57
Find out Safe Wallet address Origin for Transaction
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json
import os
# Replace
# With your address
sambacha / LibResult.ts
Created January 18, 2025 12:47
TypeScript implementation of the Result monad pattern
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UPL-1.0 OR BSD-3
* @file LibResult.ts
* @version 1.0.0
* @packageDocumentation
* A TypeScript implementation of the Result monad pattern, providing a type-safe way
* to handle operations that might fail. This pattern helps eliminate null checks
* and provides a more functional approach to error handling.


Think of an ABT as a way to represent code or expressions with variables and bindings (like let x = 5 in x + 2).

The main functions are hash and hashComponents. hash takes a single ABT as input and produces a Hash as output. This Hash is like a fingerprint of the ABT. hashComponents is designed for situations where you have multiple ABTs that might reference each other (like function definitions in a program). It takes a map of names (like function names) to their corresponding ABTs, and a function termFromHash that creates a special kind of ABT from a hash. It then outputs a list of pairs, where each pair contains a hash and the corresponding sorted list of name-ABT pairs from a "strongly connected component". A strongly connected component is a group of ABTs that are all inter-dependent.

The code works by breaking down ABTs into smaller parts and hashing them recursively. It handles different kinds of ABTs, like variables (Var'), cycles (Cycle'), abstractions (Abs''), and general terms (Tm'). For

# Colors from by Cynthia A. Brewer,
# Geography, Pennsylvania State University. See BREWER for license.
# See for details.
# Color names are PALETTE-NUMCOLORS-TYPE-IDX (e.g. reds-3-seq-1)
# PALETTE palette name (e.g. reds)
# NUMCOLORS number of colors in the palette (e.g. 3)
# TYPE palette type (div, seq, qual)
# IDX color index within the palette (e.g. 1)
"name": "Uniswap Labs Extended",
"timestamp": "2024-10-01T19:32:51.793Z",
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"major": 10,
"minor": 0,
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"logoURI": "ipfs://QmNa8mQkrNKp1WEEeGjFezDmDeodkWRevGFN8JCV7b4Xir",