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Last active February 19, 2018 23:24
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  • Save rubenmromero/42f1e2e7b45c919f4399e9be81479727 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Bash :: Pull changes from the origin (develop if it exists and master branches) to all Git repositories cloned in a workspace
# Commands Definition
ECHO="echo -e"
TPUT_BOLD="tput bold"
TPUT_RED="tput setaf 1"
TPUT_OFF="tput sgr0"
# Variables Definition
# Main
for REPO in $(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)
cd $REPO
if [[ $(git diff --exit-code) ]]
$ECHO "\n$($TPUT_BOLD)$($TPUT_RED)Pull process aborted due to there are untracked changes in '$(basename $REPO)' repository$($TPUT_OFF)\n"
exit 1
$ECHO "\n$($TPUT_BOLD)Pull changes from the origin to '$(basename $REPO)' repository:$($TPUT_OFF)"
git fetch -p
[[ $(git ls-remote --exit-code . develop) ]] && git checkout develop && git pull
git checkout master && git pull
cd ..
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