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UDP Trash Hack for WireGuard on AsusWRT Merlin

UDP Trash Hack for WireGuard on AsusWRT Merlin


Проверяем, что включен пункт меню Enable JFFS custom scripts and configs



  • Кладём файл wgclient-start в /jffs/scripts/
  • Делаем скрипт запускаемым
chmod +x /jffs/scripts/wgclient-start
  • Done ✅

Проверен на роутере ASUS RT-AX88U PRO Firmware: AsusWRT Merlin 3004.388.8_2

# Enable exit on error
set -e
# Function to generate a random number between 49152 and 65535
generate_random_port() {
awk -v min=49152 -v max=65535 'BEGIN { srand(); print int(min + rand() * (max - min + 1)) }'
sleep 3
# Log the start of the script
logger -t WireGuardClient -p user.notice "Starting junk-udp-hack script"
logger -t WireGuardClient -p user.notice "Processing WG interface - $interface"
# Retrieve the server and port
wg_endpoint=$(wg show "$interface" endpoints 2>/dev/null || echo "")
if [ -z "$wg_endpoint" ]; then
logger -s -t WireGuardClient -p user.err "Unable to retrieve endpoint for interface $interface" >&2
exit 1
wg_server=$(echo "$wg_endpoint" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d':' -f1 2>/dev/null || echo "")
wg_port=$(echo "$wg_endpoint" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d':' -f2 2>/dev/null || echo "")
if [ -z "$wg_server" ] || [ -z "$wg_port" ]; then
logger -s -t WireGuardClient -p user.err "Unable to extract server or port for interface $interface" >&2
exit 1
# Generate a random message
message=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=228 count=5 2>/dev/null | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9')
# Generate a new random port and ensure it's not in use
while netstat -an | grep -qE '(^|[^0-9])'"$l_port"'([^0-9]|$)'; do
logger -t WireGuardClient -p user.warn "Port $l_port is already in use. Generating new one"
sleep 1
logger -t WireGuardClient -p user.notice "Setting connection to WG server $wg_server:$wg_port from client's port $l_port"
# Send the message using socat
echo "$message" | socat - UDP-SENDTO:"$wg_server:$wg_port",sourceport="$l_port"
# Update the WireGuard interface with the new listen port
wg set "$interface" listen-port "$l_port"
logger -t WireGuardClient -p user.notice "Done"
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