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Last active January 7, 2025 02:43
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  • Save ravgeetdhillon/a5988592fd0c376d1fbfedf25262bf75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ravgeetdhillon/a5988592fd0c376d1fbfedf25262bf75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to get all commits that a GitHub user has made after a given date in all repositories owned by the given owner
"use strict";
const PR_NUMBER = "2454"; // pr number for master to production merge
const execSync = require("child_process").execSync;
const getCommitsUnderPrQuery = `gh pr view ${PR_NUMBER} --json "commits"`;
const commitsUnderPrQueryResponse = JSON.parse(
execSync(getCommitsUnderPrQuery, (error, stdout, stderr) => stdout).toString()
const { commits } = commitsUnderPrQueryResponse;
const commitsWithPrQuery = (commitSha) =>
`gh pr list --search "${commitSha}" --state="merged" --json="url,number,author"`;
const prsIncluded = commits.reduce((prev, commit) => {
const commitsWithPrQueryResponse = JSON.parse(
(error, stdout, stderr) => stdout
return [...prev, { ...commitsWithPrQueryResponse[0], commit }];
}, []);
const result = Array.from(
new Set( => `${pr.url} @${}`))
console.log(result.join("\n- "));
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