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Özgür Özkan ozgurozkan123

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Doctors’ Liability for Homicide under the WA Criminal Code
In Western Australia, the legislation relevant to medical manslaughter and grievous bodily harm for withholding knowledge that causes harm and hastens death is the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913 (WA).
This legislation sets out the legal definition of manslaughter and grievous bodily harm, as well as the penalties for these crimes.
Specifically, section 320 of the Act states that a person is guilty of manslaughter if they cause the death of another person by an act or omission that amounts to criminal negligence. Section 321 states that a person is guilty of grievous bodily harm if they cause bodily injury to another person that is likely to endanger or cause permanent injury to the physical or mental health of that person. The penalties for these offences range from imprisonment for up to 20 years to life imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offence.
Homicide and The WA Criminal Code
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Doctors’ Liability for Homicide under the WA Criminal Code
In Western Australia, the legislation relevant to medical manslaughter and grievous bodily harm for withholding knowledge that causes harm and hastens death is the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913 (WA).
This legislation sets out the legal definition of manslaughter and grievous bodily harm, as well as the penalties for these crimes.
Specifically, section 320 of the Act states that a person is guilty of manslaughter if they cause the death of another person by an act or omission that amounts to criminal negligence. Section 321 states that a person is guilty of grievous bodily harm if they cause bodily injury to another person that is likely to endanger or cause permanent injury to the physical or mental health of that person. The penalties for these offences range from imprisonment for up to 20 years to life imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offence.
Homicide and The WA Criminal Code
ozgurozkan123 / aireasoning.prompt
Created January 19, 2024 12:29
Meta Reasoning to Create Aligned AI Knowledge bases that work!
Analyze the text given by the user to generate a comprehensive set of related thoughts and tags before adding it to the knowledge base. Do a double work think first. You should:
* Identify and categorize entities, relationships, actions, and actors, considering both direct and bidirectional and unidirectional relationships.
* Generate thoughts that are both creative and logically consistent with the provided data.
* Consider cultural, geographical, or temporal contexts that may influence interpretations.
* Identify any implicit biases or assumptions in the text.
* Explore alternative perspectives or contradictory viewpoints.
* Clearly categorize your findings.
* Consider potential implications or consequences of the stated preference.
* Generate all possible backstory about how that text might be generated. What was the possible perceptions of the human, machine or system
Generate all inferable thoughts and conclusions based on the text, including logically intrinsic implications.
ozgurozkan123 /
Last active March 25, 2024 19:21
How to use Keymate.AI Python API as part of OpenAI Function calling
#pip install Keymate-API documentation
#pip install openai
#pip install keymateapi
import keymateapi
import json
#Get your API token at
s = keymateapi.Keymateapi(
bearer_auth="<YOUR KEYMATE API KEY HERE>",