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Created July 30, 2011 06:13
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solution to the n-queens problem based on "Programming in Scala"
// Solves the n-queens problem for an arbitrary board size
// Run for a board size of ten: scala nqueen.scala 10
object Nqueen {
type Queen = (Int, Int)
type Solutions = List[List[Queen]]
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val size: Int = args match {
case Array() => sys.error("Provide a board size")
case Array(n) => n.toInt
def placeQueens(n: Int): Solutions = n match {
case 0 => List(Nil)
case _ => for {
queens <- placeQueens(n -1)
y <- 1 to size
queen = (n, y)
if (isSafe(queen, queens))
} yield queen :: queens
val solutions = placeQueens(size)
println(solutions.size + " solutions found")
// print the board of the first solution
for (queen <- solutions.head; x <- 1 to size) {
if (queen._2 == x) print("Q ") else print(". ")
if (x == size) println()
def isSafe(queen: Queen, others: List[Queen]) =
others forall (!isAttacked(queen, _))
def isAttacked(q1: Queen, q2: Queen) =
q1._1 == q2._1 ||
q1._2 == q2._2 ||
(q2._1-q1._1).abs == (q2._2-q1._2).abs
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Nice, Thibault!

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