// ==UserScript== |
// @name fix reddit chat on mobile |
// @namespace https://gist.github.com/nuckle/92100273f64a8d18d0010082fff0b587 |
// @version 1.0 |
// @description Simple fix to make reddit chats usable in browsers on mobile devices |
// @author nuckle |
// @match *://chat.reddit.com/* |
// @grant unsafeWindow |
// @run-at document-end |
// @license MIT |
// ==/UserScript== |
(function () { |
'use strict'; |
const shadowRoots = new Set(); |
const listeners = new WeakMap(); |
const originalAttachShadow = Element.prototype.attachShadow; |
Element.prototype.attachShadow = function () { |
const shadowRoot = originalAttachShadow.apply(this, arguments); |
// Remove duplicates |
let isDeleted = false; |
// Clean up |
shadowRoots.forEach((shadowRootSet) => { |
if ( |
shadowRootSet.host.innerHTML === shadowRoot.host.innerHTML && |
shadowRootSet.host.nodeName === shadowRoot.host.nodeName && |
shadowRootSet.host.dataset.changed !== 'true' |
) { |
shadowRoots.delete(shadowRootSet); |
isDeleted = true; |
} |
}); |
if (!isDeleted) shadowRoots.add(shadowRoot); |
return shadowRoot; |
}; |
function debounce(func, delay) { |
let timer; |
return function (...args) { |
clearTimeout(timer); |
timer = setTimeout(() => func(...args), delay); |
}; |
} |
function updateEventListener(element, eventType, callback) { |
if ( |
!element || |
typeof callback !== 'function' || |
typeof eventType !== 'string' |
) |
return; |
const boundCallback = callback.bind(element); |
if (listeners.has(element)) { |
const existingListeners = listeners.get(element); |
if ( |
existingListeners.some( |
(listener) => listener.callback.toString() === callback.toString(), |
) |
) { |
// Listener already registered. |
return; |
} |
} |
// Cleanup any duplicate listeners |
element.removeEventListener(eventType, boundCallback); |
element.addEventListener(eventType, boundCallback); |
// Track the listener for later removal |
if (!listeners.has(element)) { |
listeners.set(element, []); |
} |
listeners.get(element).push({ eventType, callback }); |
} |
function adjustTextareaHeight(textarea) { |
setTimeout(function () { |
textarea.style.height = `${Math.min(textarea.scrollHeight, 120)}px`; |
}, 1); |
} |
function updateTextareaHeight(textarea) { |
textarea.style.height = 'auto'; |
textarea.style.height = `${Math.min(textarea.scrollHeight, 120)}px`; |
} |
function createCustomDesktopStyleClass(shadow, className, styles) { |
const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); |
let styleString = '@media (min-width: 768px) {'; |
styleString += `.${className} {`; |
for (const [property, value] of Object.entries(styles)) { |
styleString += `${property}: ${value}!important; `; |
} |
styleString += '}}'; |
styleElement.textContent = styleString; |
shadow.appendChild(styleElement); |
} |
function createCustomMobileStyleClass(shadow, className, styles) { |
const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); |
let styleString = '@media (max-width: 768px) {'; |
styleString += `.${className} {`; |
for (const [property, value] of Object.entries(styles)) { |
styleString += `${property}: ${value}!important; `; |
} |
styleString += '}}'; |
styleElement.textContent = styleString; |
shadow.appendChild(styleElement); |
} |
// Styles for div.container (under shadow DOM) |
const hiddenChatStyles = { |
'grid-template-columns': 'auto 0', |
}; |
const visibleChatStyles = { |
'grid-template-columns': '0 auto', |
}; |
const hiddenStyles = { |
display: 'none', |
}; |
const containerVisibleClass = 'container--navbar-visible'; |
const containerHiddenClass = 'container--navbar-hidden'; |
const toggleBtnClass = 'custom-js-hide-button'; |
const hiddenElClass = 'hidden'; |
const toggleBtnText = 'Toggle'; |
let existingMainContainer = null; |
// A function to track if shadowRoot was changed |
// (we don't want to delete changed shadowRoots) |
function setChanged(shadowRootHost) { |
shadowRootHost.dataset.changed = true; |
} |
function applyStyles() { |
const toggleChatWindow = () => { |
if (existingMainContainer) { |
const isVisible = existingMainContainer?.classList.contains( |
containerVisibleClass, |
); |
const chatOverlay = existingMainContainer?.querySelector( |
'rs-room-overlay-manager', |
); |
const chatThreads = existingMainContainer?.querySelector('rs-threads-view'); |
// To avoid a blank screen |
if (chatOverlay || chatThreads) { |
// To prevent 'Read more' messages when chat overlay has 0 width |
chatOverlay?.classList.toggle(hiddenElClass, !isVisible); |
existingMainContainer?.classList.toggle(containerHiddenClass, isVisible); |
existingMainContainer?.classList.toggle(containerVisibleClass, !isVisible); |
} |
} |
}; |
const showChatWindow = () => { |
if (existingMainContainer) { |
existingMainContainer?.classList.remove(containerHiddenClass); |
existingMainContainer?.classList.add(containerVisibleClass); |
const chatOverlay = existingMainContainer?.querySelector( |
'rs-room-overlay-manager', |
); |
chatOverlay?.classList.add(hiddenElClass); |
} |
}; |
const hideChatWindow = () => { |
if (existingMainContainer) { |
existingMainContainer?.classList.add(containerHiddenClass); |
existingMainContainer?.classList.remove(containerVisibleClass); |
const chatOverlay = existingMainContainer?.querySelector( |
'rs-room-overlay-manager', |
); |
chatOverlay?.classList.remove(hiddenElClass); |
} |
}; |
const createToggleButton = (parentElement) => { |
const button = document.createElement('button'); |
button.textContent = toggleBtnText; |
button.classList.add(toggleBtnClass); |
updateEventListener(button, 'click', toggleChatWindow); |
parentElement.appendChild(button); |
createCustomDesktopStyleClass(parentElement, toggleBtnClass, hiddenStyles); |
return button; |
}; |
shadowRoots.forEach((shadow) => { |
if (!(shadow instanceof ShadowRoot)) { |
return; |
} |
const header = shadow?.querySelector('main header.flex'); |
const container = shadow?.querySelector('div.container'); |
const createRoomBtn = shadow?.querySelector('rs-room-creation-button'); |
const existingBtnContainer = createRoomBtn?.parentNode; |
const composerTextArea = shadow?.querySelector( |
'rs-textarea-auto-size textarea', |
); |
const chatRoomLinks = shadow?.querySelectorAll('rs-rooms-nav-room'); |
// Exclude aria-label to not interact with button from Chat settings |
const backBtn = shadow?.querySelector( |
'main > header > button.button-small.button-plain.icon.inline-flex.text-tone-2.back-icon-display:not([aria-label])', |
); |
const settingsBtn = shadow?.querySelector( |
'button.text-tone-2.button-small.button-plain.button.inline-flex[aria-label="Open chat settings"]', |
); |
const createChatBtn = shadow?.querySelector( |
'a.button-plain[href="/room/create"]', |
); |
const cancelBtn = Array.from( |
shadow.querySelectorAll('form .buttons button.button-secondary'), |
).find((btn) => btn.textContent.trim() === 'Cancel'); |
const btnElements = shadow?.querySelectorAll( |
'div.border-solid > div.flex > li.relative.list-none.mt-0[role="presentation"]', |
); |
const requestBtn = btnElements[0]; |
const threadsBtn = btnElements[1] || btnElements[0]; |
const startChatBtn = shadow?.querySelector( |
'form div.buttons button.button-primary[type="submit"]', |
); |
const welcomeScreen = container?.querySelector('rs-welcome-screen'); |
// Avoid getting "stuck" |
if (welcomeScreen) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
showChatWindow(); |
}, 300); |
} |
// Fix scroll "jumping" when user is entering a message |
if (composerTextArea) { |
setChanged(shadow.host); |
composerTextArea.style.overflowY = 'auto'; |
const inputCallback = (e) => { |
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); |
debounce(() => { |
adjustTextareaHeight(composerTextArea); |
}, 150)(); |
}; |
const focusoutCallback = () => { |
updateTextareaHeight(composerTextArea); |
}; |
updateEventListener(composerTextArea, 'input', inputCallback); |
updateEventListener(composerTextArea, 'focusout', focusoutCallback); |
} |
// Initialize the main container if not already set |
if (!existingMainContainer && container) { |
setChanged(shadow.host); |
existingMainContainer = container; |
createCustomMobileStyleClass( |
shadow, |
containerVisibleClass, |
hiddenChatStyles, |
); |
// hide overlay to fix false truncated messages |
createCustomMobileStyleClass( |
shadow, |
'container--navbar-visible rs-room-overlay-manager', |
hiddenStyles, |
); |
createCustomMobileStyleClass( |
shadow, |
containerHiddenClass, |
visibleChatStyles, |
); |
createCustomMobileStyleClass(shadow, hiddenElClass, hiddenStyles); |
if (!container?.classList.contains(containerVisibleClass)) { |
container?.classList.add(containerVisibleClass); |
} |
} |
// Create and attach toggle button in header if it doesn't exist |
if (header && !header?.querySelector(`button.${toggleBtnClass}`)) { |
setChanged(shadow.host); |
createToggleButton(header); |
} |
// Create and attach toggle button in navbar if it doesn't exist |
if ( |
createRoomBtn && |
existingBtnContainer && |
!existingBtnContainer?.querySelector(`button.${toggleBtnClass}`) |
) { |
setChanged(shadow.host); |
createToggleButton(existingBtnContainer); |
} |
if ( |
chatRoomLinks.length > 0 || |
backBtn || |
settingsBtn || |
threadsBtn || |
requestBtn || |
createChatBtn || |
startChatBtn || |
cancelBtn |
) { |
function handleButtonClick(element, eventType, callback) { |
if (element) { |
updateEventListener(element, eventType, callback); |
} |
} |
setChanged(shadow.host); |
const showCallback = () => showChatWindow(); |
const hideCallback = () => hideChatWindow(); |
handleButtonClick(cancelBtn, 'click', showCallback); |
handleButtonClick(createChatBtn, 'click', hideCallback); |
handleButtonClick(settingsBtn, 'click', hideCallback); |
handleButtonClick(backBtn, 'click', showCallback); |
handleButtonClick(requestBtn, 'click', showCallback); |
handleButtonClick(threadsBtn, 'click', hideCallback); |
handleButtonClick(startChatBtn, 'click', hideCallback); |
chatRoomLinks?.forEach((chatRoomLink) => { |
handleButtonClick(chatRoomLink, 'click', hideCallback); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
window.Element.prototype.attachShadowOri = |
window.Element.prototype.attachShadow; |
window.Element.prototype.attachShadow = function (obj) { |
obj.mode = 'open'; |
applyStyles(); |
return this.attachShadowOri(obj); |
}; |
})(); |