Save nemani/defdde356b6678352bcd4af69b7fe529 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Parallelly download all aws-lambda functions | |
# Assumes you have ran `aws configure` and have output-mode as "text" | |
# Works with "aws-cli/1.16.72 Python/3.6.7 Linux/4.15.0-42-generic botocore/1.12.62" | |
download_code () { | |
local OUTPUT=$1 | |
aws lambda get-function --function-name $OUTPUT --query 'Code.Location' | xargs wget -O ./lambda_functions/$OUTPUT.zip | |
} | |
mkdir -p lambda_functions | |
for run in $(aws lambda list-functions | cut -f 6 | xargs); | |
do | |
download_code "$run" & | |
done | |
echo "Completed Downloading all the Lamdba Functions!" | |
# If you want to download only ones with specific prefix | |
# https://github.com/sambhajis-gdb/download_all_lambda_function/blob/master/get_lambda_with_prefix.sh | |
# Credits to https://stackoverflow.com/users/6908140/sambhaji-sawant for the |
Awesome! It worked nicely. Thanks a lot!
"doth" line 11 might be a typo?
Other than that very nice! Thanks a lot.
I am new here can you tell me where you have put the access key/token ?
@arorasahil1207 as mentioned aws configure
should do the trick
I don't know how to work with bash can you please elaborate so that i can understand the same,thanks in advance
First you need a bash shell.
Next you need to install aws cli which allows you to interact with AWS services via the CLI and bash scripts.
Once this is done, you need to run the command aws configure
to setup the initial configuration.
It will ask you inputs like text mode and the IAM config keys to use with AWS CLI.
Then you can follow the script above.
For me, it showing as an empty folder while unzipping it in windows OS.
I am getting below error. I did AWS configure also.
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the GetFunction operation: 1 validation error detected: Value 'DB_User:' at 'functionName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: (arn:(aws[a-zA-Z-]*)?:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}((-gov)|(-iso(b?)))?-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)(:($LATEST|[a-zA-Z0-9-]+))?
xargs: wget: No such file or directory
@pgorpuni looks like the error is due to a lambda named 'DB_User'. The regex constraints for the name are by AWS and this does not match it. Don't think it is an error with the script. Try changing the name of the lambda.
I am getting below error. I did AWS configure also.
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the GetFunction operation: 1 validation error detected: Value'DB_User:'
at 'functionName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: (arn:(aws[a-zA-Z-]*)?:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}((-gov)|(-iso(b?)))?-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)(:($LATEST|[a-zA-Z0-9-]+))?
xargs: wget: No such file or directory
For me, it showing as an empty folder while unzipping it in windows OS.
@SIVA451 sorry I dont use windows so cant help by writing a script for it.
The above script is meant for bash (or similiar like zsh) shells which are commonly on linux.
I changed the original code to extract the function (starting with a specified prefix) from the zip file and extract the python code and rename it as <function_name>.lambda
download_code () {
local OUTPUT=$1
aws lambda get-function --function-name $OUTPUT --query 'Code.Location' | xargs wget -O ./lambda_functions/$OUTPUT.zip
unzip ./lambda_functions/$OUTPUT.zip -d ./lambda_functions
mv ./lambda_functions/lambda_function.py ./lambda_functions/$OUTPUT.lambda
rm ./lambda_functions/$OUTPUT.zip
mkdir -p lambda_functions
for run in $(aws lambda list-functions --query 'Functions[?starts_with(FunctionName, `<your pattern here>`) == `true`].FunctionName' --output text);
download_code "$run"
echo "done"
I am getting below error. I did AWS configure also.
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the GetFunction operation: 1 validation error detected: Value 'DB_User:' at 'functionName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: (arn:(aws[a-zA-Z-]*)?:lambda:)?([a-z]{2}((-gov)|(-iso(b?)))?-[a-z]+-\d{1}:)?(\d{12}:)?(function:)?([a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)(:($LATEST|[a-zA-Z0-9-]+))?
xargs: wget: No such file or directory
this worked on my mac with aws-cli/2.2.3
download_code () {
local OUTPUT=$1
aws lambda get-function --function-name $OUTPUT --query 'Code.Location' | xargs wget -O ./lambda_functions/$OUTPUT.zip
mkdir -p lambda_functions
for run in $(aws lambda list-functions --query 'Functions[].FunctionName' --output text);
download_code "$run"
echo $run
This is another version:
download_code () {
local OUTPUT=$1
aws lambda get-function --function-name $OUTPUT --query 'Code.Location' | xargs wget -O ./lambda_functions/$OUTPUT.zip
mkdir -p lambda_functions
for run in $(aws lambda list-functions | grep FunctionName | awk -F'"' '{print $4}');
download_code "$run" &
echo "Completed Downloading all the Lamdba Functions!"
After that, you could unzip them in separated folders using:
find . -name '*.zip' -exec sh -c 'unzip -d "${1%.*}" "$1"' _ {} \;
If someone is looking for a Pythonic way to do this : https://github.com/abhay330/download_all_lambda_function
It crashed my 64GB RAM mac, Twice :/
It crashed my 64GB RAM mac, Twice :/
I can verify that the original version does that on Macs. @handeglc removed the & to not run in background. I did the same and also added a loop to capture all regions. It could be improved even more of course. Thanks @nemani for posting this gist!
# Downloads all aws-lambda functions to a subdirectory
# Assumes you have a role that has at least read access to lambda.
# Credits to https://gist.github.com/nemani/defdde356b6678352bcd4af69b7fe529
# trap ctrl-c and call ctrl_c()
trap ctrl_c INT
function ctrl_c() {
echo "** CTRL-C Detected - aborting..."
exit -1
echo Searching region: $REGION
for code in $(aws lambda list-functions --region $REGION --query 'Functions[].FunctionName' --output text);
mkdir -p $download_path
aws lambda get-function --function-name $code --region $REGION --query 'Code.Location' | xargs wget --quiet -O $download_path/$code.zip
unzip -o -f -d $download_path $download_path/$code.zip
# search all regions
for region in $(aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].{Name:RegionName}" --output text | sort -r); do
download_region $region
echo "Completed Downloading all the Lamdba Functions!"
Thanks for sharing, the code didn't work as stated in some previous replies I believe because of the filtering criteria to get the lambda function name.
AWS CLI is returning a JSON format which can be better explored using jq
If the above code didn't work for you too, try my implementation of the fix here.
@abhay330 thanks man! Worked very well
very nice collaboration. I extended it in a fork https://gist.github.com/bf4/825009c3e49bf53259e8c18c4c38f190
# Usage:
# ./download_all.sh
# ./download_all.sh download us-east-1 my-function
# ./download_all.sh help
# Downloads all aws-lambda functions to a subdirectory
# Assumes you have a role that has at least read access to lambda.
# Credits to https://gist.github.com/nemani/defdde356b6678352bcd4af69b7fe529
set -euo pipefail
# Influenced by https://dev.to/thiht/shell-scripts-matter
show_help() {
sed -ne '/^#/!q;s/.\{1,2\}//;1d;p' < "$0" >&$((abort+1))
exit $abort
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
export AWS_PROFILE="${AWS_PROFILE:-your-profile-here}"
readonly DOWNLOAD_PATH_BASE="./lambda_functions"
# trap ctrl-c and call ctrl_c()
trap ctrl_c INT
ctrl_c() {
echo "** CTRL-C Detected - aborting..."
exit 1
get_function_names() {
local region; region="$1"
aws lambda list-functions --region "$region" --query 'Functions[].FunctionName' --output text
get_function() {
local region; region="$1"
local function_name; function_name="$2"
local download_path
mkdir -p "$download_path"
aws lambda get-function --function-name "$function_name" --region "$region" --query 'Code.Location' \
| xargs wget --quiet -O "$download_path/$function_name.zip"
unzip -o -f -d "$download_path" "$download_path/$function_name.zip"
local region; region="$1"
echo "searching region: $region"
for function_name in $(get_function_names "$region"); do
get_function "$region" "$function_name"
aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].{Name:RegionName}" --output text | sort -r
main() {
# search all regions
for region in $(get_regions); do
download_region "$region"
echo "Completed Downloading all the Lamdba Functions!"
case "${1:-}" in
get_function "$1" "$2"
The original script worked for me on a Mac M1, ...BUT it deleted all the Lambda functions on AWS after downloading them.
This small bash script downloads the zip for each lambda function in your AWS account.
You need to create a new IAM user in AWS Console, put the access keys into
aws configure
(set output mode to "text"), then run the script.