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Created July 28, 2016 08:53
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  1. mxs created this gist Jul 28, 2016.
    186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions gistfile1.txt
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
    => Started proxy.
    | (#1) Profiling: ProjectContext prepareProjectForBuild
    => Meteor 1.4 is available. Update this project with 'meteor update'.
    | Loading package webpack:[email protected] \
    | sqlite query 77 ms (3)
    | files.readlink 0 ms (1)
    | ProjectContext prepareProjectForBuild.........................2,392 ms (1)
    | ├─ _resolveConstraints..........................................452 ms (1)
    | │ └─ JsImage#load..............................................377 ms (1)
    | │ └─ runJavaScript packages/logic-solver.js 119 ms (1)
    | ├─ _downloadMissingPackages.....................................200 ms (1)
    | │ └─ Isopack.readMetadataFromDirectory.........................125 ms (110)
    | │ └─ files.readFile 111 ms (110)
    | └─ _buildLocalPackages........................................1,734 ms (1)
    | └─ IsopackCache Load local isopack.........................1,727 ms (110)
    | └─ Isopack#initFromPath.................................1,648 ms (110)
    | ├─ files.readFile 120 ms (336)
    | ├─ 239 ms (1159)
    | ├─ bundler.readJsImage.................................738 ms (10)
    | │ ├─ files.readFile 267 ms (606)
    | │ └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable...................414 ms (65)
    | │ └─ files.readFile 223 ms (668)
    | ├─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable 181 ms (28)
    | └─ other Isopack#initFromPath 145 ms
    | Top leaves:
    | files.readFile.............................................863 ms (2175)
    | ms (1159)
    | other Isopack#initFromPath.................................145 ms (110)
    | runJavaScript packages/logic-solver.js.....................119 ms (1)
    | (#1) Total: 2,469 ms (ProjectContext prepareProjectForBuild)
    | (#2) Profiling: Build App
    webpack built c2942154a90f68bf490b in 37423ms|
    | Starting your app \
    | bundler.readJsImage 97 ms (1)
    | JsImage#load..................................................1,531 ms (1)
    | ├─ runJavaScript packages/ecmascript-runtime.js 283 ms (1)
    | └─ runJavaScript packages/babel-compiler.js 935 ms (1)
    | files.stat 0 ms (3)
    | files.readFile 3 ms (1)
    | files.writeFileAtomically.......................................502 ms (1)
    | └─ files.writeFile 501 ms (1)
    | Build App...................................................595,908 ms (1)
    | └─ files.withCache..........................................595,908 ms (1)
    | ├─ compiler.compile(the app)..............................13,571 ms (1)
    | │ └─ files.withCache.....................................13,570 ms (2)
    | │ └─ compileUnibuild (the app)........................13,570 ms (2)
    | │ ├─ Isopack#ensurePluginsInitialized..............10,061 ms (32)
    | │ │ └─ JsImage#load...............................10,050 ms (7)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/underscore.js 184 ms (6)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/meteor.js 226 ms (6)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/babel-compiler.js 4,401 ms (5)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/promise.js 168 ms (5)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/ecmascript-runtime.js 1,395 ms (5)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/babel-runtime.js 130 ms (5)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/webpack_webpack_plugin.js 559 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/minifier-js.js 221 ms (2)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/caching-compiler.js 145 ms (2)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/compileLessBatch_plugin.js 182 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/minifier-postcss_plugin.js.1,839 ms (1)
    | │ │ │ └─ wrapped.fs.readFileSync 1,746 ms (1)
    | │ │ └─ runJavaScript packages/generateSemanticUi_plugin.js 137 ms (1)
    | │ ├─ files.withCache................................2,400 ms (2)
    | │ │ ├─ files.realpath 418 ms (1085)
    | │ │ ├─ files.readdir 848 ms (2170)
    | │ │ ├─ files.stat 192 ms (7139)
    | │ │ └─ other files.withCache 943 ms
    | │ ├─ files.readFile 661 ms (1171)
    | │ └─ other compileUnibuild (the app) 402 ms
    | ├─ bundler.bundle..makeClientTarget.......................51,189 ms (1)
    | │ └─ Target#make.........................................51,189 ms (1)
    | │ ├─ Target#_runCompilerPlugins........................7,155 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ Isopack#ensurePluginsInitialized...............2,763 ms (199)
    | │ │ │ ├─ JsImage#load................................2,577 ms (2)
    | │ │ │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/meteor.js 118 ms (2)
    | │ │ │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/ecmascript-runtime.js 499 ms (2)
    | │ │ │ │ ├─ runJavaScript packages/babel-compiler.js 1,099 ms (2)
    | │ │ │ │ └─ runJavaScript packages/CosmosBrowserify_plugin.js 504 ms (1)
    | │ │ │ └─ other Isopack#ensurePluginsInitialized 186 ms
    | │ │ ├─ plugin ecmascript................................657 ms (1)
    | │ │ │ ├─ Babel.compile 102 ms (54)
    | │ │ │ └─ other plugin ecmascript 538 ms
    | │ │ ├─ plugin less....................................3,105 ms (1)
    | │ │ │ ├─ wrapped.fs.readFileSync 326 ms (406)
    | │ │ │ └─ other plugin less 2,769 ms
    | │ │ ├─ plugin cosmos:browserify 105 ms (1)
    | │ │ └─ plugin webpack:webpack 209 ms (1)
    | │ ├─ Target#_emitResources............................40,778 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap....40,509 ms (1)
    | │ │ │ ├─ ImportScanner#_findImportedModuleIdentifiers 1,451 ms (161)
    | │ │ │ ├─ Resolver#resolve..............................977 ms (398)
    | │ │ │ │ └─ Resolver#_resolvePkgJsonMain...............869 ms (4)
    | │ │ │ │ └─ Resolver#_readPkgJson...................866 ms (4)
    | │ │ │ │ └─ files.readFile 865 ms (4)
    | │ │ │ ├─ ImportScanner#_readFile....................37,868 ms (122)
    | │ │ │ │ └─ files.readFile 37,860 ms (122)
    | │ │ │ └─ other PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap 125 ms
    | │ │ └─ PackageSourceBatch#getResources..................257 ms (89)
    | │ │ └─ PackageSourceBatch#_linkJS....................255 ms (89)
    | │ │ └─ files.readFile 155 ms (89)
    | │ └─ ClientTarget#minifyCss............................3,181 ms (1)
    | │ ├─ CssTools.parseCss 1,223 ms (3)
    | │ ├─ CssTools.mergeCssAsts............................172 ms (1)
    | │ │ └─ CssTools.rewriteCssUrls 138 ms (3)
    | │ ├─ CssTools.stringifyCss 604 ms (1)
    | │ └─ other ClientTarget#minifyCss 1,182 ms
    | ├─ bundler.bundle..makeServerTarget......................521,376 ms (1)
    | │ └─ Target#make........................................521,376 ms (1)
    | │ ├─ Target#_runCompilerPlugins.......................29,141 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ files.realpath 134 ms (95)
    | │ │ ├─ plugin ecmascript................................182 ms (1)
    | │ │ │ └─ Babel.compile 115 ms (60)
    | │ │ └─ plugin webpack:webpack 28,734 ms (1)
    | │ └─ Target#_emitResources...........................492,201 ms (1)
    | │ ├─ PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap.....1,542 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ ImportScanner#_getInstallPath 410 ms (258)
    | │ │ ├─ ImportScanner#_findImportedModuleIdentifiers 727 ms (214)
    | │ │ ├─ Resolver#resolve 149 ms (483)
    | │ │ └─ ImportScanner#_readFile.......................169 ms (168)
    | │ │ └─ files.readFile 157 ms (168)
    | │ └─ PackageSourceBatch#getResources..............490,650 ms (96)
    | │ └─ PackageSourceBatch#_linkJS................490,647 ms (96)
    | │ ├─ files.readFile 618 ms (96)
    | │ ├─ linker.fullLink........................489,611 ms (1)
    | │ │ └─ linker Module#getPrelinkedFiles.....489,566 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ linker File#getPrelinkedOutput 485,098 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ toStringWithSourceMap (app) 3,478 ms (1)
    | │ │ └─ other linker Module#getPrelinkedFiles 990 ms
    | │ └─ other PackageSourceBatch#_linkJS 416 ms
    | └─ bundler writeSiteArchive................................9,758 ms (1)
    | ├─ bundler writeTargetToPath............................9,603 ms (2)
    | │ ├─ ClientTarget#write..................................333 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ bundler writeFile................................108 ms (118)
    | │ │ │ └─ Builder#write 107 ms (118)
    | │ │ └─ other ClientTarget#write 144 ms
    | │ └─ ServerTarget#write................................9,264 ms (1)
    | │ ├─ JsImage#write..................................9,126 ms (1)
    | │ │ ├─ Builder#write.................................299 ms (175)
    | │ │ │ └─ files.writeFile 185 ms (175)
    | │ │ ├─ files.readFile 177 ms (284)
    | │ │ ├─ Builder#copyDirectory.......................8,143 ms (24)
    | │ │ │ └─ meteorNpm.runNpmCommand 8,108 ms (1)
    | │ │ └─ other JsImage#write 394 ms
    | │ └─ other ServerTarget#write 116 ms
    | └─ Builder#complete.......................................130 ms (1)
    | └─ files.renameDirAlmostAtomically.....................130 ms (1)
    | └─ files.rm_recursive 130 ms (1)
    | Top leaves:
    | linker File#getPrelinkedOutput.........................485,098 ms (1)
    | files.readFile..........................................40,582 ms (2133)
    | meteorNpm.runNpmCommand..................................8,108 ms (1)
    | toStringWithSourceMap (app)..............................3,478 ms (1)
    | other plugin less........................................2,769 ms (1)
    | ImportScanner#_findImportedModuleIdentifiers.............2,178 ms (375)
    | wrapped.fs.readFileSync..................................2,168 ms (483)
    | CssTools.parseCss........................................1,223 ms (3)
    | other ClientTarget#minifyCss.............................1,182 ms (1)
    | other linker Module#getPrelinkedFiles......................990 ms (1)
    | other files.withCache......................................949 ms (5)
    | files.readdir..............................................864 ms (2211)
    | files.writeFile............................................818 ms (379)
    | files.realpath.............................................650 ms (1270)
    | CssTools.stringifyCss......................................604 ms (1)
    | other plugin ecmascript....................................585 ms (2)
    | other PackageSourceBatch#_linkJS...........................514 ms (185)
    | ImportScanner#_getInstallPath..............................496 ms (1229)
    | other compileUnibuild (the app)............................402 ms (2)
    | other JsImage#write........................................394 ms (1)
    | files.stat.................................................364 ms (9034)
    | runJavaScript packages/underscore.js.......................305 ms (9)
    | Babel.compile..............................................217 ms (114)
    | other PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap...........212 ms (2)
    | sha1.......................................................201 ms (2867)
    | other Isopack#ensurePluginsInitialized.....................197 ms (231)
    | other ClientTarget#write...................................144 ms (1)
    | files.rm_recursive.........................................141 ms (4)
    | CssTools.rewriteCssUrls....................................138 ms (3)
    | other Target#_runCompilerPlugins...........................128 ms (2)
    | other ServerTarget#write...................................116 ms (1)
    | runJavaScript packages/random.js...........................114 ms (4)
    | files.lstat................................................103 ms (465)
    | (#2) Total: 598,041 ms (Build App)