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Last active August 16, 2024 15:38
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Delete all tweets and favorites older than two months ago. Instructions in comment.
#!/usr/bin/swift sh
import Foundation
import PromiseKit // @mxcl ~> 6.5
import Swifter // @mattdonnelly == b27a89
let swifter = Swifter(
consumerKey: "FILL",
consumerSecret: "ME",
oauthToken: "IN",
oauthTokenSecret: ""
extension JSON {
var date: Date? {
guard let string = string else { return nil }
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss Z yyyy"
return string)
let twoMonthsAgo = Date() - 24*60*60*30*2
print("Deleting qualifying tweets before:", twoMonthsAgo)
func deleteTweets(maxID: String? = nil) -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { seal in
swifter.getTimeline(for: "mxcl", count: 200, maxID: maxID, success: { json in
if json.array!.count <= 1 {
// if we get one result for a requested maxID, we're done
return seal.fulfill(())
for item in json.array! {
let date = item["created_at"].date!
let id = item["id_str"].string!
guard date < twoMonthsAgo, item["favorite_count"].integer! < 2 else {
swifter.destroyTweet(forID: id, success: { _ in
print("D:", item["text"].string!)
}, failure: seal.reject)
let next = json.array!.last!["id_str"].string!
deleteTweets(maxID: next).pipe(to: seal.resolve)
}, failure: seal.reject)
func deleteFavorites(maxID: String? = nil) -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { seal in
swifter.getRecentlyFavoritedTweets(count: 200, maxID: maxID, success: { json in
if json.array!.count <= 1 {
return seal.fulfill(())
for item in json.array! {
guard item["created_at"].date! < twoMonthsAgo else { continue }
swifter.unfavoriteTweet(forID: item["id_str"].string!, success: { _ in
print("D❤️:", item["text"].string!)
}, failure: seal.reject)
let next = json.array!.last!["id_str"].string!
deleteFavorites(maxID: next).pipe(to: seal.resolve)
}, failure: seal.reject)
func unblockPeople(cursor: String? = nil) -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { seal in
swifter.getBlockedUsersIDs(stringifyIDs: "true", cursor: cursor, success: { json, prev, next in
for id in json.array! {
print("Unblocking:", id)
swifter.unblockUser(for: .id(id.string!))
if let next = next, !next.isEmpty, next != prev, next != "0" {
unblockPeople(cursor: next).pipe(to: seal.resolve)
} else {
}, failure: seal.reject)
when(fulfilled: deleteTweets(), deleteFavorites(), unblockPeople()).done {
}.catch {
print("error:", $0)
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mxcl commented Jan 15, 2019

  1. brew install mxcl/made/swift-sh


  3. curl the gist and chmod u+x detweet.swift

  4. crontab -e:

    30 3 * * * ~/src/detweet.swift

With the cron job your script will run everyday at 3:30 AM.

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