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Simon Worthington mrchristian

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# Literatur {.unnumbered}
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„Anpassung an den Klimawandel\_- Vulnerabilität, Auswirkungen und Risikobewertung“. 2021\. DIN Media GmbH. [](
<div title="Whova event and conference app" id="whova-agendawidget">
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- Add Impressum how to in user manual: SW 2-Apr-24
mrchristian / Publication landing pages
Last active June 23, 2022 13:40
Connecting publication editions and formats with a landing page
# Publication landing pages
From: Simon Worthington, Open Science Lab, TIB. NFDI4Culture. 23 June 2022. [email protected]
## Auto-generated landing pages
Feedback requested: We are looking for feedback on whether a version of Linked Open Data (LOD) for a publication could be automatically render human and machine readable outputs that could be requested by any publication platform in any format requested to be associated to publication outputs. The data would have an inventory of all know outputs and their available metadata.
Does this already exist? Is their a working model or stardard for doing this?
mrchristian / Fidus Log
Created May 24, 2022 18:31
Fidus Writer error log
24.05 19:59 Error: 'Document Data Failed!'. Docment tab disint load docs for 2+ sec

COPIM / Semantic Publishing Research



X-Sketchbook: Publishing and place

  • What 'Computation Publishing' framework to use: Faults of the current in development frameworks, i.e., Juypter Notebooks / Book, etc. Re: Rupert email on Turing consultation.
  • Approach would be pragmatic as X-Sketchbook is experimental, but to acknowledge this question. We will use a variety of frameworks: Curvenote, Jupyter, R Markdown and Bookdown.
mrchristian /
Last active October 8, 2019 15:32
Dictionaries method

Dictionaries creation process (method)

The dictionaries being made for use with Open Climate Knowledge (OCK) project are 'exploratory dictionaries'.

Instructions on dictionary creation can be found here.

Terms used in the dictionaries are from Wikidata (if they don't exist in Wikidata we will add them).

The dictionaries are used to search for documents and to classify them. For example if two documents share a dictionary term then the documents can be used in the following ways:

mrchristian /
Last active October 10, 2019 09:29
Sample OCK homepage text

Open Climate Knowledge

#OCK – 100% open research for climate change

DOI: 10.25815/eb9f-ad48

Open Climate Knowledge (OCK) is an open research project for data mining Open Access (OA) papers related to Climate Change — to build stats on OA rates, and for researcher to use in their work. OCK is intended for researchers inside and outside of academe.

Get involved! Run the software yourself or contribute to the research project. You can see open tasks and areas of expertise that need covering here. If you have questions or comments then raise an issue on GitHub or message on Twitter with the hashtag #OCK.