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Last active October 22, 2024 08:44
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PowerShell Active Directory Password Expiration Email Notification

Password-Expiration-Notifications.ps1 is a powerShell script designed to be run on a schedule to automatically email Active Directory users of soon-to-expire and recently-expired passwords.

This version is a highly modified fork of the original v1.4 by Robert Pearman from Pearman's 2.x version was completely re-written.

New in this version:

  • A SearchBase is required.
  • OU ExcludeList [Commented out in code]
  • When logging, the CSV will always be overwritten. (unless you specify a variable file name such as "c:\PS-pwd-expiry-$(Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss).csv")
  • Accounts with recently-expired passwords can be notified by specifying a "negativedays" value.
  • Email attempts will handle basic errors, but nothing more. This script does not account for SMTP credentials. [Please review July 2022 comments for SMTP auth.]
  • Accounts with MaxPasswordAge 00:00:00 (never) are skipped. (Same as PasswordNeverExpires.)
  • Testing-mode will allow a specified number of sample notifications to be emailed to the Administrator(s). (Rather than defaulting to all users' expiration emails.)
  • Processing information and basic statistics are written to console.
  • When logging, the CSV file and basic statistics will be emailed to the specified Administrator(s).

Self-Help Resources:

Prefer scheduling with a Service account

A much less complicated script

# Password-Expiration-Notifications v20220823
# Highly Modified fork.
# Originally from v1.4 @
# Robert Pearman (WSSMB MVP)
# Script to Automated Email Reminders when Users Passwords due to Expire.
# Requires: Windows PowerShell Module for Active Directory
# Please Configure the following variables....
$testing = $true # Set to $false to Email Users. $true to email samples to administrators only (see $sampleEmails below)
### PURGING this option; seems to cause issue. # $ExcludeList="'New Employees'|'Separated Employees'" #in the form of "SubOU1|SubOU2|SubOU3" -- possibly needing single quote for OU's with spaces, separate OU's with pipe and double-quote the list.
$expireindays = 7 #number of days of soon-to-expire paswords. i.e. notify for expiring in X days (and every day until $negativedays)
$negativedays = -3 #negative number of days (days already-expired). i.e. notify for expired X days ago
$from = "Administrator <[email protected]>"
$logging = $true # Set to $false to Disable Logging
$logNonExpiring = $false
$logFile = "c:\PS-pwd-expiry.csv" # ie. c:\mylog.csv
$adminEmailAddr = "[email protected]","[email protected]","[email protected]" #multiple addr allowed but MUST be independent strings separated by comma
$sampleEmails = 3 #number of sample email to send to adminEmailAddr when testing ; in the form $sampleEmails="ALL" or $sampleEmails=[0..X] e.g. $sampleEmails=0 or $sampleEmails=3 or $sampleEmails="all" are all valid.
# please edit $body variable within the code
# System Settings
$textEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$date = Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd #for logfile only
$starttime=Get-Date #need time also; don't use date from above
Write-Host "Processing `"$SearchBase`" for Password-Expiration-Notifications"
Write-Host "Testing Mode: $testing"
# Get Users From AD who are Enabled, Passwords Expire
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Write-Host "Gathering User List"
$users = get-aduser -SearchBase $SearchBase -Filter {(enabled -eq $true) -and (passwordNeverExpires -eq $false)} -properties sAMAccountName, displayName, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, EmailAddress, lastLogon, whenCreated
Write-Host "Filtering User List"
### PURGING this option; seems to cause issue. # $users = $users | Where-Object {$_.DistinguishedName -notlike $ExcludeList} ##also try -notmatch, needs heavy testing
$DefaultmaxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge
Write-Host "${countprocessed} user-accounts selected to iterate."
#set max sampleEmails to send to $adminEmailAddr
if ( $sampleEmails -isNot [int]) {
if ( $sampleEmails.ToLower() -eq "all") {
} #else use the value given
if (($testing -eq $true) -and ($sampleEmails -ge 0)) {
Write-Host "Testing only; $sampleEmails email samples will be sent to $adminEmailAddr"
} elseif (($testing -eq $true) -and ($sampleEmails -eq 0)) {
Write-Host "Testing only; emails will NOT be sent"
# Create CSV Log
if ($logging -eq $true) {
#Always purge old CSV file
Out-File $logfile
Add-Content $logfile "`"Date`",`"SAMAccountName`",`"DisplayName`",`"Created`",`"PasswordSet`",`"DaystoExpire`",`"ExpiresOn`",`"EmailAddress`",`"Notified`""
# Process Each User for Password Expiry
foreach ($user in $users) {
$dName = $user.displayName
$sName = $user.sAMAccountName
$emailaddress = $user.emailaddress
$whencreated = $user.whencreated
$passwordSetDate = $user.PasswordLastSet
$sent = "" # Reset Sent Flag
$PasswordPol = (Get-AduserResultantPasswordPolicy $user)
# Check for Fine Grained Password
if (($PasswordPol) -ne $null) {
$maxPasswordAge = ($PasswordPol).MaxPasswordAge
} else {
# No FGPP set to Domain Default
$maxPasswordAge = $DefaultmaxPasswordAge
#If maxPasswordAge=0 then same as passwordNeverExpires, but PasswordCannotExpire bit is not set
if ($maxPasswordAge -eq 0) {
Write-Host "$sName : MaxPasswordAge = $maxPasswordAge (i.e. PasswordNeverExpires) but bit not set -- User not selected to receive email."
$expiresOn = $passwordsetdate + $maxPasswordAge
$today = (get-date)
if ( ($user.passwordexpired -eq $false) -and ($maxPasswordAge -ne 0) ) { #not Expired and not PasswordNeverExpires
$daystoexpire = (New-TimeSpan -Start $today -End $expiresOn).Days
} elseif ( ($user.passwordexpired -eq $true) -and ($passwordSetDate -ne $null) -and ($maxPasswordAge -ne 0) ) { #if expired and passwordSetDate exists and not PasswordNeverExpires
# i.e. already expired
$daystoexpire = -((New-TimeSpan -Start $expiresOn -End $today).Days)
} else {
# i.e. (passwordSetDate = never) OR (maxPasswordAge = 0)
$nonexpiring += 1
#continue #"continue" would skip user, but bypass any non-expiry logging
#Write-Host "$sName : DaysToExpire: $daystoexpire MaxPasswordAge: $maxPasswordAge" #debug
# Set verbiage based on Number of Days to Expiry.
Switch ($daystoexpire) {
{$_ -ge $negativedays -and $_ -le "-1"} {$messageDays = "has expired"}
"0" {$messageDays = "will expire today"}
"1" {$messageDays = "will expire in 1 day"}
default {$messageDays = "will expire in " + "$daystoexpire" + " days"}
# Email Subject Set Here
$subject="Your password $messageDays"
# Email Body Set Here, Note You can use HTML, including Images.
<p>Your Active Directory password for your <b>$sName</b> account $messageDays. After expired, you will not be able to login until your password is changed.</p>
<p>Please visit to change your password. Alternatively, on a Windows machine, you may press Ctrl-Alt-Del and select `"Change Password`".</p>
<p>If you do not know your current password, <a href=''>click here to email a password reset link</a>.</p> Administrator<br>
[email protected]<br><br>
# If testing-enabled and send-samples, then set recipient to adminEmailAddr else user's EmailAddress
if (($testing -eq $true) -and ($samplesSent -le $sampleEmails)) {
$recipient = $adminEmailAddr
} else {
$recipient = $emailaddress
#if in trigger range, send email
if ( ($daystoexpire -ge $negativedays) -and ($daystoexpire -le $expireindays) -and ($daystoexpire -ne "NA") ) {
Write-Host "$sName : Selected to receive email: password ${messageDays}"
# Send Email Message
if (($emailaddress) -ne $null) {
if ( ($testing -eq $false) -or (($testing -eq $true) -and ($samplesSent -lt $sampleEmails)) ) {
try {
Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer $smtpServer -from $from -to $recipient -subject $subject -body $body -bodyasHTML -priority High -Encoding $textEncoding -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable err
} catch {
write-host "Error: Could not send email to $recipient via $smtpServer"
$sent = "Send fail"
} finally {
if ($err.Count -eq 0) {
write-host "Sent email for $sName to $recipient"
if ($testing -eq $true) {
$sent = "toAdmin"
} else { $sent = "Yes" }
} else {
Write-Host "Testing mode: skipping email to $recipient"
$sent = "No"
} else {
Write-Host "$dName ($sName) has no email address."
$sent = "No addr"
# If Logging is Enabled Log Details
if ($logging -eq $true) {
Add-Content $logfile "`"$date`",`"$sName`",`"$dName`",`"$whencreated`",`"$passwordSetDate`",`"$daystoExpire`",`"$expireson`",`"$emailaddress`",`"$sent`""
} else {
#if ( ($daystoexpire -eq "NA") -and ($maxPasswordAge -eq 0) ) { Write-Host "$sName PasswordNeverExpires" } elseif ($daystoexpire -eq "NA") { Write-Host "$sName PasswordNeverSet" } #debug
# Log Non Expiring Password
if ( ($logging -eq $true) -and ($logNonExpiring -eq $true) ) {
if ($maxPasswordAge -eq 0 ) {
$sent = "NeverExp"
} else {
$sent = "No"
Add-Content $logfile "`"$date`",`"$sName`",`"$dName`",`"$whencreated`",`"$passwordSetDate`",`"$daystoExpire`",`"$expireson`",`"$emailaddress`",`"$sent`""
} # End User Processing
$minutes="{0:N0}" -f ($totaltime/60)
$seconds="{0:N0}" -f ($totaltime%60)
Write-Host "$countprocessed Users from `"$SearchBase`" Processed in $minutes minutes $seconds seconds."
Write-Host "Email trigger range from $negativedays (past) to $expireindays (upcoming) days of user's password expiry date."
Write-Host "$nonexpiring Non-Expiring accounts."
Write-Host "$countsent Emails Sent."
Write-Host "$countnotsent Emails skipped."
Write-Host "$countfailed Emails failed."
# sort the CSV file
if ($logging -eq $true) {
Rename-Item $logfile "$logfile.old"
import-csv "$logfile.old" | sort ExpiresOn | export-csv $logfile -NoTypeInformation
Remove-Item "$logFile.old"
Write-Host "CSV File created at ${logfile}."
if ($testing -eq $true) {
$body="<b><i>Testing Mode.</i></b><br>"
} else {
CSV Attached for $date<br>
$countprocessed Users from `"$SearchBase`" Processed in $minutes minutes $seconds seconds.<br>
Email trigger range from $negativedays (past) to $expireindays (upcoming) days of user's password expiry date.<br>
$nonexpiring Non-Expiring accounts.<br>
$countsent Emails Sent.<br>
$countnotsent Emails skipped.<br>
$countfailed Emails failed.
try {
Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer $smtpServer -from $from -to $adminEmailAddr -subject "Password Expiry Logs" -body $body -bodyasHTML -Attachments "$logFile" -priority High -Encoding $textEncoding -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable err
} catch {
write-host "Error: Failed to email CSV log to $adminEmailAddr via $smtpServer"
} finally {
if ($err.Count -eq 0) {
write-host "CSV emailed to $adminEmailAddr"
# End
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zuku81 commented Jan 18, 2023

How could I use this script for standalone workgroup windows server?

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meoso commented Jan 18, 2023

How could I use this script for standalone workgroup windows server?

I don't honestly know the commends to get user-list from non-Active-Directory groups. If you can figure that out, then you may have a direction to follow. You'd have to remove the Password-Policy related code in it as well. any of the commands Get-AD**** is AD related.

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Has anyone been successful making this work with Outlook? I'm currently having issues with authentication. I'm struggling to get around the following error message:
Send-Mailmessage : Error in processing. The server response was: 5.7.3 STARTTLS is required to send mail

Any ideas would be amazing, thank you.

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meoso commented Feb 16, 2023

Has anyone been successful making this work with Outlook? I'm currently having issues with authentication. I'm struggling to get around the following error message: Send-Mailmessage : Error in processing. The server response was: 5.7.3 STARTTLS is required to send mail

Any ideas would be amazing, thank you.

please see the conversations/comments above, specifically July-2022.

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Odakolo commented Feb 28, 2023

Hi, How can I modify this code to send out notification to a security group?

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Is there a way to set this up with a CSV of emails for the each user name? We have multiple domains that don't have email addresses assigned to the username.

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meoso commented Apr 17, 2023

Is there a way to set this up with a CSV of emails for the each user name? We have multiple domains that don't have email addresses assigned to the username.

would have to program it yourself. powershell is rather easy to get started. good luck.

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ghost commented Sep 6, 2023

is it also possible to set an interval? For example set a interval like on day 21,14,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 to send emails to the user if the expiry date matches one of the interval days?

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meoso commented Sep 7, 2023

is it also possible to set an interval? For example set a interval like on day 21,14,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 to send emails to the user if the expiry date matches one of the interval days?

i'm sure it would be possible with some clever if/then statement. look at line 150.
then maybe this resource:
so i presume you could set an array of days, then compare $array.Contains($daystoexpire), but i'll leave this to you as it may need some testing, troubleshooting, light modifications overall.

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ghost commented Sep 13, 2023

is it also possible to set an interval? For example set a interval like on day 21,14,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 to send emails to the user if the expiry date matches one of the interval days?

i'm sure it would be possible with some clever if/then statement. look at line 150. then maybe this resource: so i presume you could set an array of days, then compare $array.Contains($daystoexpire), but i'll leave this to you as it may need some testing, troubleshooting, light modifications overall.

i've got it working with help of your pointer and the newly rebuilt script of Robert Pearman.

On line 22 i added this:
$expireinterval = 239,230,21,14,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 #how many days before of soon-to-expire paswords. i.e. notify for expiring on certain number of days (and every day until $negativedays)

On line 41 i added:
[array]$expireinterval | Out-Null

On line 150 i added -and ($expireinterval -contains $daystoexpire) and thus changed in to this:
if ( ($daystoexpire -ge $negativedays) -and ($expireinterval -contains $daystoexpire) -and ($daystoexpire -ne "NA") ) {

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Has anyone tested this on Windows server 2019?

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meoso commented Dec 20, 2023

Has anyone tested this on Windows server 2019?

yes, running it for years now on a 2019 DC.

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bspropro commented Jan 9, 2024

I'm sure I am missing something simple but the script is saying all our users have "non-expiring accounts" aside from us admins, which is not the case.

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meoso commented Jan 9, 2024

I'm sure I am missing something simple but the script is saying all our users have "non-expiring accounts" aside from us admins, which is not the case.

such is an attribute of each AD account. You will need to inspect/modify your AD accounts.
each account may have one or the other of passwordSetDate = never OR maxPasswordAge = 0.

probably: image

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bspropro commented Jan 9, 2024

I'm sure I am missing something simple but the script is saying all our users have "non-expiring accounts" aside from us admins, which is not the case.

such is an attribute of each AD account. You will need to inspect/modify your AD accounts. each account may have one or the other of passwordSetDate = never OR maxPasswordAge = 0.

probably: image

As for maxPasswordAge, that is set to 90 and the password never expires is not checked but I am unable to find the passwordSetDate part.

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meoso commented Jan 9, 2024

sorry, i needed to review the code.
line $passwordSetDate = $user.PasswordLastSet.
Later an else is triggered when such is null (never set):

so the AD's user attribute is PasswordLastSet.

you could run get-aduser -filter * -properties Name, passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires | Where-Object {$_.passwordlastset -eq $null} | ft Name, passwordlastset, Passwordneverexpires to list all the null PasswordLastSet's.

typically when accounts are created, the passwordLastSet is updated when the user changes their own password. I believe if a script creates an account and sets a password at such time, then it does not count; however, i could be mistaken.

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sorry, i needed to review the code. line $passwordSetDate = $user.PasswordLastSet. Later an else is triggered when such is null (never set):

so the AD's user attribute is PasswordLastSet.

you could run get-aduser -filter * -properties Name, passwordlastset, passwordneverexpires | Where-Object {$_.passwordlastset -eq $null} | ft Name, passwordlastset, Passwordneverexpires to list all the null PasswordLastSet's.

typically when accounts are created, the passwordLastSet is updated when the user changes their own password. I believe if a script creates an account and sets a password at such time, then it does not count; however, i could be mistaken.

thank you for the help but I'm just dumb and needed to run as admin

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what rights needed in Active Directory to extract the information

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meoso commented Feb 9, 2024

what rights needed in Active Directory to extract the information

you may have to do some deeper research on your own, but essentially make a new user-account, assign it to the root of the domain and set the security tab for only READ, disabling anything WRITE/DELETE/ADD,etc. Also set it for password-never-expires and cannot-change-password. You can also setup a GPO at root level denying any interactive login for that user. This is what we call a "service-account". some service accounts need write access depending on the usage.

[this comment edited several times]

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How can I let expired password users and administrators receive emails at the same time?

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meoso commented May 20, 2024

How can I let expired password users and administrators receive emails at the same time?

line 146: $recipient = $emailaddress maybe change this to something like $recipient = $emailaddress + ", " + $adminEmailAddr or similar.

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The Script is working almost 100% here.

For some reason, theres some users that instead of notifying their emails, the e-mails are coming to me, telling me their password is about to expire. Any idea how I could fix this? :(

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The Script is working almost 100% here.

For some reason, theres some users that instead of notifying their emails, the e-mails are coming to me, telling me their password is about to expire. Any idea how I could fix this? :(

check the user's email in the user's object. otherwise, you may have $testing = $true (default) which will email the administrator list. set it to $testing = $false around line 17.

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PolluxDK commented Jun 7, 2024

Please help me understand how this script would react to the following:
If a users account password has expired like 30 days ago and the "$negativedays = -3" the email will not get sent since it's more than 3 days since the password expired?
Also, if I change the $negativedays to like 500, will that cause an email to be sent every day until a users password has expired for +500days, then it stops?

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meoso commented Jun 7, 2024

Please help me understand how this script would react to the following: If a users account password has expired like 30 days ago and the "$negativedays = -3" the email will not get sent since it's more than 3 days since the password expired? Also, if I change the $negativedays to like 500, will that cause an email to be sent every day until a users password has expired for +500days, then it stops?

Correct, at some point the script should stop pestering the user. if the script was active approaching and through the expiration, then the user get notifications. 3 days after expiring, the user stops receiving notifications.

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OzGeoff commented Aug 21, 2024

The script is working perfectly for me as a scheduled task and e-mailing through M365. My only glitch is the date format for PasswordSet and ExpiresOn in the admin report.


Is there a way I can set the date format for those fields to be displayed as "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" please?

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meoso commented Aug 21, 2024

Is there a way I can set the date format for those fields to be displayed as "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" please?

I have not tried, but maybe modify the Add-Content variables with .ToShortDateString() or some other formatting technique (lines 184 and 195).
Add-Content $logfile "`"$date`",`"$sName`",`"$dName`",`"$whencreated`",`"$passwordSetDate.ToShortDateString()`",`"$daystoExpire`",`"$expireson.ToShortDateString()`",`"$emailaddress`",`"$sent`""

.ToShortDateString()should format to your locale's format. if this does not work, you may have to investigate PowerShell timestamp formatting further.

Maybe .toString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")

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OzGeoff commented Aug 22, 2024

Thank you. I created two new variables and then added those variables into the log file.

	$PwdSet = $passwordSetDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") 
	$PwdExp = $expireson.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") 
    if ($logging -eq $true) {
        Add-Content $logfile "`"$date`",`"$sName`",`"$dName`",`"$whencreated`",`"$PwdSet`",`"$daystoExpire`",`"$PwdExp`",`"$emailaddress`",`"$sent`""

Thanks once again.

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you may have to do some deeper research on your own, but essentially make a new user-account, assign it to the root of the domain and set the security tab for only READ, disabling anything WRITE/DELETE/ADD,etc. Also set it for password-never-expires and cannot-change-password. You can also setup a GPO at root level denying any interactive login for that user. This is what we call a "service-account". some service accounts need write access depending on the usage.

Hi. Good morning! The script is working well run as a Windows schedule task with my user that is a Domain Admin. When I change to a user gMSA with Domain Admin privilege the log file in "Notified" field shows "Send Fail" status. Which access this account must have to notify user by e-mail message? Thank you!

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meoso commented Oct 3, 2024

Hi. Good morning! The script is working well run as a Windows schedule task with my user that is a Domain Admin. When I change to a user gMSA with Domain Admin privilege the log file in "Notified" field shows "Send Fail" status. Which access this account must have to notify user by e-mail message? Thank you!

I do not know. Maybe the account you are using does not have rights on the mail-server to send email? 🤷‍♂️ i do not have an answer, and i did not find a quick result from a quick google search.

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