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Last active December 4, 2024 17:30
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extract ca-certs, key, and crt from a pfx file
# Usage:
# ./
# The required input to is the path to your pfx file without the .pfx prefix
# (includes ca-certs)
# extract ca-certs
echo "> Extracting ca-certs..."
openssl pkcs12 -in ${filename}.pfx -nodes -nokeys -cacerts -out ${filename}-ca.crt
echo "done!"
echo " "
# extract key
echo "> Extracting key file..."
openssl pkcs12 -in ${filename}.pfx -nocerts -out ${filename}.key
echo "done!"
echo " "
# extract crt
echo "> Extracting crt..."
openssl pkcs12 -in ${filename}.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out ${filename}.crt
echo "> Combining ca-certs with crt file..."
# combine ca-certs and cert files
cat ${filename}-ca.crt ${filename}.crt > ${filename}-full.crt
# remove passphrase from key file
echo "> Removing passphrase from keyfile"
openssl rsa -in ${filename}.key -out ${filename}.key
# clean up
rm ${filename}-ca.crt
mv ${filename}-full.crt ${filename}.crt
echo "done!"
echo " "
echo "Extraction complete! 🐼"
echo "created files:"
echo " 🔑 ${filename}.key"
echo " 📄 ${filename}.crt"
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you will likely be prompted for the pfx passphrase during this process

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not a lot of error checking happening in here, so this script could be better... but it should work 🗡️

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This will also remove the passphrase from the key (as required by nginx)

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Save this in a file called, for example: and make the file executable

chmod +x

then you can run it, example:

./ path/to/pfxfile

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burakEC commented Apr 25, 2019

Handy script! Thanks.

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Really handy script. A little modification. Full certificate chain should contain root first and ca-bundle later.

echo "> Combining ca-certs with crt file..."

combine ca-certs and cert files

cat ${filename}.crt ${filename}-ca.crt > ${filename}-full.crt

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mbomb007 commented Jan 3, 2023

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