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Sơn Lotus lockeden0022

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lockeden0022 /
Created October 24, 2022 03:35 — forked from eyeseast/
How to set up Python in 2022


This is my recommended Python setup, as of Fall 2022. The Python landscape can be a confusing mess of overlapping tools that sometimes don't work well together. This is an effort to standardize our approach and environments.

Tools and helpful links:

lockeden0022 /
Created January 10, 2022 05:13 — forked from justinhartman/
Setup Azure Ubuntu 18.04 LEMP VM

How To Install Nginx, MySQL, PHP, SFTP on an Ubuntu Azure Virtual Machine

This series of documents will configure and setup a Nginx, MySQL, and PHP (LEMP) server on a basic Standard B1s (1 vcpus, 1 GiB memory) Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 LTS Virtual Machine on Microsoft Azure.

This will also install other useful packages and configurations for SFTP and a fully automated SSL service using certbot for Let's Encrypt.

The B1s is Azure's entry level Linux VM and only comes with 1 GiB memory so