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Last active January 6, 2025 02:20
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  • Save kristianwiklund/0bff535aaea6a5a02b356336828d730a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Klipper config for ramps 1.4 with x-stepper on E1 and bltouch for a wanhao i3 v2.1
# This file contains common pin mappings for RAMPS (v1.3 and later)
# boards. RAMPS boards typically use a firmware compiled for the AVR
# atmega2560 (though other AVR chips are also possible).
# See the example.cfg file for a description of available parameters.
#[servo bltouch]
#pin: ar11
#maximum_servo_angle: 180
#minimum_pulse_width: 0.0006
#maximum_pulse_width: 0.0024
# Define a probe using the BLTouch
sensor_pin: ^ar18
control_pin: ar11
pin_move_time: 1.0
pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: False
z_offset: 2.2
x_offset: 34
y_offset: -50
samples: 3
sample_retract_dist: 5.0
samples_tolerance: 0.15
samples_tolerance_retries: 4
speed: 2.0
lift_speed: 5.0
# G4 P200
# G4 P100
speed: 120
horizontal_move_z: 10
mesh_min: 40,5
mesh_max: 195, 160
probe_count: 6
axes: z
G1 Z10 ; Move up 10mm
G28 X Y
G1 X50 Y70 F6000 ; Change the X and Y coordinates to the center of your print bed
G28 Z
set_position_z: 0.0
#set_position_z: 5
# G90
# G1 Z10 F1000
# G28 X0 Y0
# G1 X50 Y50 F1000
# G28 Z0
# G1 Z20
# G1 X0 Y0 F1000
#step_pin: ar54
#dir_pin: ar55
#enable_pin: !ar38
step_pin: ar36
dir_pin: ar34
enable_pin: !ar30
step_distance: 0.00625
endstop_pin: ^!ar3
#endstop_pin: ^ar2
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 200
homing_speed: 50
step_pin: ar60
dir_pin: ar61
enable_pin: !ar56
step_distance: 0.00625
endstop_pin: ^!ar14
#endstop_pin: ^ar15
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 215
homing_speed: 50
step_pin: ar46
dir_pin: !ar48
enable_pin: !ar62
#step_distance: 0.00125
step_distance: 0.00125944584
#endstop_pin: ^ar18
#endstop_pin: ^ar19
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
#position_endstop: 0.5
position_max: 200
homing_speed: 10
position_min: -1
step_pin: ar26
dir_pin: !ar28
enable_pin: !ar24
#step_distance: 0.004673
step_distance: 0.00877192982
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: ar10
sensor_type: NTC 100K beta 3950
sensor_pin: analog13
#control: pid
#pid_Kp: 22.2
#pid_Ki: 1.08
#pid_Kd: 114
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 250
#step_pin: ar36
#dir_pin: ar34
#enable_pin: !ar30
#heater_pin: ar9
#sensor_pin: analog15
heater_pin: ar8
sensor_type: NTC 100K beta 3950
sensor_pin: analog14
#control: watermark
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 130
pin: ar9
serial: /dev/ttyUSB0
pin_map: arduino
kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 300
max_accel: 3000
max_z_velocity: 5
max_z_accel: 100
# "RepRapDiscount 2004 Smart Controller" type displays
#lcd_type: hd44780
#rs_pin: ar16
#e_pin: ar17
#d4_pin: ar23
#d5_pin: ar25
#d6_pin: ar27
#d7_pin: ar29
#encoder_pins: ^ar31, ^ar33
#click_pin: ^!ar35
# "RepRapDiscount 128x64 Full Graphic Smart Controller" type displays
lcd_type: st7920
cs_pin: ar16
sclk_pin: ar23
sid_pin: ar17
encoder_pins: ^ar31, ^ar33
click_pin: ^!ar35
kill_pin: ^!ar41
# 128x64 Full Graphic Creality CR10 / ENDER 3 stockdisplay
#lcd_type: st7920
#cs_pin: ar27
#sclk_pin: ar25
#sid_pin: ar29
#encoder_pins: ^ar23, ^ar17
#click_pin: ^!ar35
#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [extruder]
#*# control = pid
#*# pid_kp = 23.322
#*# pid_ki = 0.888
#*# pid_kd = 153.048
#*# [heater_bed]
#*# control = pid
#*# pid_kp = 62.941
#*# pid_ki = 1.408
#*# pid_kd = 703.366
#*# [bed_mesh default]
#*# version = 1
#*# points =
#*# 0.209583, -0.055833, -0.209167, -0.430000, -0.679583, -0.894583
#*# 0.016667, -0.067500, -0.211250, -0.381250, -0.605833, -0.805417
#*# -0.008333, -0.102500, -0.296250, -0.270000, -0.637917, -0.726667
#*# 0.202917, -0.074583, -0.180833, -0.329583, -0.513333, -0.606250
#*# 0.161250, -0.172083, -0.275417, -0.393333, -0.484167, -0.727500
#*# 0.301667, 0.136250, 0.053750, -0.283750, -0.389583, -0.600833
#*# tension = 0.2
#*# min_x = 40.0
#*# algo = lagrange
#*# y_count = 6
#*# mesh_y_pps = 2
#*# min_y = 5.0
#*# x_count = 6
#*# max_y = 150.0
#*# mesh_x_pps = 2
#*# max_x = 195.0
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psu1989 commented Mar 12, 2022

Odd that my Ramps 1.4 doesn't like and Pin starting with AR.
I'm using PF#, PA#, PH#, etc

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Seems to be related to aliasing for Mega pins, see the RAMPS klipper example commit Klipper3d/klipper@7a443e5 which changes the example from ar.* to P.*

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