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Forked from svpino/
Created August 2, 2023 23:46
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import os
import assemblyai as aai
from pytube import YouTube
aai.settings.api_key = "INSERT YOUR API KEY HERE"
youtube_url = ""
# Let's download the YouTube video
youtube = YouTube(youtube_url)
audio = youtube.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first()
filename = os.path.basename(
# We can now transcribe it
transcriber = aai.Transcriber()
transcript = transcriber.transcribe(filename)
# This will summarize the video
summary = transcript.lemur.summarize(
context="A magician performing a magic trick"
# Now we can ask questions about the video
questions = [
aai.LemurQuestion(question="What is the name of the magician?"),
aai.LemurQuestion(question="What are the names of the participants?"),
aai.LemurQuestion(question="What is the magic trick about?"),
answers = transcript.lemur.question(questions)
for answer in answers.response:
print(f"Question: {answer.question}")
print(f"Answer: {answer.answer}")
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